ArchiveCurationHistory | Contains details of the matrix of the Archives' required curation tasks. |
AstrCalVers | Contains a record for every astrometric calibration version in the archive. |
CurationTask | Contains a list of all curation tasks that are used within the OSA. |
ExternalProduct | Contains details of external products imported into archive |
ExternalSurvey | A list of all externally produced survey products held in the OSA. |
ExternalSurveyTable | Contains information about the external surveys tables. |
Filter | Contains details of the OMEGACAM filters. |
FilterSections | Contains details of the different sections of sectioned OMEGACAM filters. |
PhotCalVers | Contains details of all photometric calibration versions in the OSA. |
ProductLinks | Contains links between different products, e.g. tiles and stacks, mosaics and tiles, mosaics and stacks |
Programme | Contains details of the OMEGACAM observation programmes. |
ProgrammeCurationHistory | Contains details of the matrix of programmes and required curation tasks. |
ProgrammeTable | Contains details of the set of curated tables for each programme. |
Release | Contains the release details for a survey curated within the OSA. |
RequiredDiffImage | Contains details of default difference image products curated in the archive. |
RequiredFilters | Contains required filters used for every programme held in the OSA. |
RequiredListDrivenProduct | Contains programmes/surveys required for list-driven co-located photometry. |
RequiredMergeLogMultiEpoch | Contains details of filter epochs in MergeLog table products. |
RequiredNeighbours | Details programmes/survey tables that have default joins within the OSA. |
RequiredStack | Contains details of default stack image products curated in the archive. |
SectionDetectors | Gives which detectors correspond to different sections of sectioned OMEGACAM filters. |
Survey | Contains information about the curated surveys within the OSA. |
SurveyProgrammes | Contains details of which programme(s) belong to which survey(s) |
Latest Revision: | 11758, 2017-07-01 15:59:15 (Sat, 1 Jul 2017) |