OSA - OmegaCAM Science ArchiveThe OmegaCAM Science Archive (OSA) holds the image and catalogue data products generated by OmegaCAM on the VLT Survey Telescope (VST) . The primary contents of the archive currently originate from the VST ATLAS survey. Survey science-ready catalogue data will be released in phases, while standard flat-file data products (both images and derived single passband catalogues) become available continually after routine observation and processing operations. Information on the various archive releases can be found on the surveys page
The history of archive releases, updates and bug fixes is recorded under the release history page. Users wishing to receive email announcements of such entries should subscribe to the OSA_Announcelist (contact osa-support@roe.ac.uk).
Sky coverage of VST surveys, overlaid on a 2MASS image of the whole sky.
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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, osa-support@roe.ac.uk