TABLE  atlasSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll

Cross-neighbours between atlas and PhotoObjAll.

All Stripe82..PhotoObjAll sources within 10.0 arcsec of each source from
ATLAS data are recorded in this cross-neighbour table. The table
atlasSource was joined to the PhotoObjAll table to create these
cross-neighbours. Use this table for any cross-querying of ATLAS
data with sources from SDSS-STRIPE82.

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
masterObjIDbigint8 The unique ID in atlasSource (=sourceID);meta.main
slaveObjIDbigint8 The unique ID of the neighbour in Stripe82..PhotoObjAll (=objID);meta.dataset
distanceMinsreal4arcminutesAngular separation between neighbours pos.angDistance
sdssTypetinyint1 SDSS type of neighbour: 3=galaxy; 6=star255src.class
sdssPrimarytinyint1 SDSS flag for neighbour being primary (1) or secondary (0)255meta.code
Total length22