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Glossary of OSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the OSAv20230621 database(s) held in the OSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the OSAv20230621 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
M1 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Number of detections for band 1 int 4   -9  
M1_1_BG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 1 background map.
Made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images.
real 4 counts/pixel    
M1_1_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 1 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M1_1_EXP twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 1 exposure map, combining the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps.
The PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.
real 4 s    
M1_1_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 1 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_1_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 1 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_1_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 1 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M1_1_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 1 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M1_1_VIG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 1 vignetting value. real 4      
M1_2_BG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 2 background map.
Made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images.
real 4 counts/pixel    
M1_2_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 2 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M1_2_EXP twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 1 exposure map, combining the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps.
The PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.
real 4 s    
M1_2_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 2 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_2_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 2 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_2_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 2 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M1_2_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 2 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M1_2_VIG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 2 vignetting value. real 4      
M1_3_BG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 3 background map.
Made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images.
real 4 counts/pixel    
M1_3_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 3 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M1_3_EXP twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 2 exposure map, combining the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps.
The PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.
real 4 s    
M1_3_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 3 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_3_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 3 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_3_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 3 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M1_3_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 3 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M1_3_VIG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 3 vignetting value. real 4      
M1_4_BG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 4 background map.
Made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images.
real 4 counts/pixel    
M1_4_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 4 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M1_4_EXP twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 3 exposure map, combining the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps.
The PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.
real 4 s    
M1_4_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 4 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_4_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 4 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_4_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 4 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M1_4_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 4 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M1_4_VIG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 4 vignetting value. real 4      
M1_5_BG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 5 background map.
Made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images.
real 4 counts/pixel    
M1_5_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 5 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M1_5_EXP twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 4 exposure map, combining the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps.
The PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.
real 4 s    
M1_5_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 5 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_5_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 5 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_5_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 5 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M1_5_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 5 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M1_5_VIG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 band 5 vignetting value. real 4      
M1_8_CTS twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Combined band source counts real 4 counts    
M1_8_CTS_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Combined band source counts 1 σ error real 4 counts    
M1_8_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 8 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M1_8_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 8 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_8_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 8 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_8_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 8 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M1_8_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 8 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M1_9_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 9 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M1_9_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 9 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_9_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 9 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M1_9_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 9 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M1_9_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M1 band 9 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M1_CHI2PROB twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM The Chi² probability (based on the null hypothesis) that the source as detected by the M1 camera is constant.
The Pearson approximation to Chi² for Poissonian data was used, in which the model is used as the estimator of its own variance. If more than one exposure (that is, time series) is available for this source the smallest value of probability was used.
real 4      
M1_CHI2PROB xmm3dr4 XMM The Chi² probability (based on the null hypothesis) that the source as detected by the M1 camera is constant.
The Pearson approximation to Chi² for Poissonian data was used, in which the model is used as the estimator of its own variance. If more than one exposure (that is, time series) is available for this source the smallest value of probability was used.
float 8      
M1_FILTER twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM M1 filter. The options are Thick, Medium, Thin1, and Open, depending on the efficiency of the optical blocking. varchar 6      
M1_FILTER xmm3dr4 XMM M1 filter. The options are Thick, Medium, Thin1, and Open, depending on the efficiency of the optical blocking. varchar 50      
M1_FLAG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM M1 flag string made of the flags 1 - 12 (counted from left to right) for the PN source detection.
In case where the camera was not used in the source detection a dash is given. In case a source was not detected by the M1 the flags are all set to False (default). Flag 10 is not used.
varchar 12      
M1_FLAG xmm3dr4 XMM M1 flag string made of the flags 1 - 12 (counted from left to right) for the PN source detection.
In case where the camera was not used in the source detection a dash is given. In case a source was not detected by the M1 the flags are all set to False (default). Flag 10 is not used.
varchar 50      
M1_FVAR xmm3dr4 XMM The fractional excess variance measured in the MOS1 timeseries of the detection. Where multiple MOS1 exposures exist, it is for the one giving the largest probability of variability (M1_CHI2PROB). This quantity provides a measure of the amplitude of variability in the timeseries, above purely statistical fluctuations. float 8      
M1_FVARERR xmm3dr4 XMM The error on the fractional excess variance for the MOS1 timeseries of the detection (M1_FVAR). float 8      
M1_HR1 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 hardness ratio between the bands 1 & 2
In the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively.
real 4      
M1_HR1_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The 1 σ error of the M1 hardness ratio between the bands 1 & 2 real 4      
M1_HR2 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 hardness ratio between the bands 2 & 3
In the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively.
real 4      
M1_HR2_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The 1 σ error of the M1 hardness ratio between the bands 2 & 3 real 4      
M1_HR3 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 hardness ratio between the bands 3 & 4
In the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively.
real 4      
M1_HR3_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The 1 σ error of the M1 hardness ratio between the bands 3 & 4 real 4      
M1_HR4 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 hardness ratio between the bands 4 & 5
In the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively.
real 4      
M1_HR4_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The 1 σ error of the M1 hardness ratio between the bands 4 & 5 real 4      
M1_MASKFRAC twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The PSF weighted mean of the detector coverage of a detection as derived from the detection mask.
Sources which have less than 0.15 of their PSF covered by the detector are considered as being not detected.
real 4      
M1_OFFAX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 offaxis angle (the distance between the detection position and the onaxis position on the respective detector).
The offaxis angle for a camera can be larger than 15 arcminutes when the detection is located outside the FOV of that camera.
real 4 arcmin    
M1_ONTIME twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M1 ontime value (the total good exposure time (after GTI filtering) of the CCD where the detection is positioned).
If a source position falls into CCD gaps or outside of the detector it will have a NULL given.
real 4 s    
M1_SUBMODE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM M1 observing mode. The options are full frame mode with the full FOV exposed, partial window mode with only parts of the central CCD exposed (in different sub-modes), and timing mode where the central CCD was not exposed ('Fast Uncompressed'). varchar 16      
M1_SUBMODE xmm3dr4 XMM M1 observing mode. The options are full frame mode with the full FOV exposed, partial window mode with only parts of the central CCD exposed (in different sub-modes), and timing mode where the central CCD was not exposed ('Fast Uncompressed'). varchar 50      
M2 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Number of detections for band 2 int 4   -9  
M2_1_BG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 1 background map.
Made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images.
real 4 counts/pixel    
M2_1_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 1 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M2_1_EXP twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 5 exposure map, combining the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps.
The PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.
real 4 s    
M2_1_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 1 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_1_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 1 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_1_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 1 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M2_1_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 1 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M2_1_VIG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 1 vignetting value. real 4      
M2_2_BG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 2 background map.
Made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images.
real 4 counts/pixel    
M2_2_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 2 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M2_2_EXP twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 2 exposure map, combining the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps.
The PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.
real 4 s    
M2_2_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 2 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_2_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 2 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_2_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 2 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M2_2_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 2 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M2_2_VIG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 2 vignetting value. real 4      
M2_3_BG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 3 background map.
Made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images.
real 4 counts/pixel    
M2_3_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 3 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M2_3_EXP twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 3 exposure map, combining the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps.
The PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.
real 4 s    
M2_3_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 3 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_3_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 3 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_3_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 3 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M2_3_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 3 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M2_3_VIG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 3 vignetting value. real 4      
M2_4_BG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 4 background map.
Made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images.
real 4 counts/pixel    
M2_4_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 4 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M2_4_EXP twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 4 exposure map, combining the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps.
The PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.
real 4 s    
M2_4_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 4 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_4_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 4 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_4_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 4 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M2_4_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 4 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M2_4_VIG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 4 vignetting value. real 4      
M2_5_BG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 5 background map.
Made using a 12 x 12 nodes spline fit on the source-free individual-band images.
real 4 counts/pixel    
M2_5_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 5 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M2_5_EXP twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 5 exposure map, combining the mirror vignetting, detector efficiency, bad pixels and CCD gaps.
The PSF weighted mean of the area of the subimages (radius 60 arcseconds) in the individual-band exposure maps.
real 4 s    
M2_5_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 5 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_5_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 5 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_5_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 5 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M2_5_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 5 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M2_5_VIG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 band 5 vignetting value. real 4      
M2_8_CTS twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Combined band source counts real 4 counts    
M2_8_CTS_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Combined band source counts 1 σ error real 4 counts    
M2_8_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 8 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M2_8_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 8 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_8_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 8 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_8_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 8 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M2_8_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 8 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M2_9_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 9 Maximum likelihood real 4      
M2_9_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 9 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_9_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 9 flux error real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
M2_9_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 9 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
M2_9_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM M2 band 9 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
M2_CHI2PROB twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM The Chi² probability (based on the null hypothesis) that the source as detected by the M2 camera is constant.
The Pearson approximation to Chi² for Poissonian data was used, in which the model is used as the estimator of its own variance. If more than one exposure (that is, time series) is available for this source the smallest value of probability was used.
real 4      
M2_CHI2PROB xmm3dr4 XMM The Chi² probability (based on the null hypothesis) that the source as detected by the M2 camera is constant.
The Pearson approximation to Chi² for Poissonian data was used, in which the model is used as the estimator of its own variance. If more than one exposure (that is, time series) is available for this source the smallest value of probability was used.
float 8      
M2_FILTER twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM M2 filter. The options are Thick, Medium, Thin1, and Open, depending on the efficiency of the optical blocking. varchar 6      
M2_FILTER xmm3dr4 XMM M2 filter. The options are Thick, Medium, Thin1, and Open, depending on the efficiency of the optical blocking. varchar 50      
M2_FLAG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM PN flag string made of the flags 1 - 12 (counted from left to right) for the M2 source detection.
In case where the camera was not used in the source detection a dash is given. In case a source was not detected by the M2 the flags are all set to False (default). Flag 10 is not used.
varchar 12      
M2_FLAG xmm3dr4 XMM PN flag string made of the flags 1 - 12 (counted from left to right) for the M2 source detection.
In case where the camera was not used in the source detection a dash is given. In case a source was not detected by the M2 the flags are all set to False (default). Flag 10 is not used.
varchar 50      
M2_FVAR xmm3dr4 XMM The fractional excess variance measured in the MOS2 timeseries of the detection. Where multiple MOS2 exposures exist, it is for the one giving the largest probability of variability (M2_CHI2PROB). This quantity provides a measure of the amplitude of variability in the timeseries, above purely statistical fluctuations. float 8      
M2_FVARERR xmm3dr4 XMM The error on the fractional excess variance for the MOS2 timeseries of the detection (M2_FVAR). float 8      
M2_HR1 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 hardness ratio between the bands 1 & 2
In the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively.
real 4      
M2_HR1_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The 1 σ error of the M2 hardness ratio between the bands 1 & 2 real 4      
M2_HR2 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 hardness ratio between the bands 2 & 3
In the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively.
real 4      
M2_HR2_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The 1 σ error of the M2 hardness ratio between the bands 2 & 3 real 4      
M2_HR3 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 hardness ratio between the bands 3 & 4
In the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively.
real 4      
M2_HR3_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The 1 σ error of the M2 hardness ratio between the bands 3 & 4 real 4      
M2_HR4 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 hardness ratio between the bands 4 & 5
In the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively.
real 4      
M2_HR4_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The 1 σ error of the M2 hardness ratio between the bands 4 & 5 real 4      
M2_MASKFRAC twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The PSF weighted mean of the detector coverage of a detection as derived from the detection mask.
Sources which have less than 0.15 of their PSF covered by the detector are considered as being not detected.
real 4      
M2_OFFAX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 offaxis angle, (the distance between the detection position and the onaxis position on the respective detector).
The offaxis angle for a camera can be larger than 15 arcminutes when the detection is located outside the FOV of that camera.
real 4 arcmin    
M2_ONTIME twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The M2 ontime value (the total good exposure time (after GTI filtering) of the CCD where the detection is positioned).
If a source position falls into CCD gaps or outside of the detector it will have a NULL given.
real 4 s    
M2_SUBMODE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM M2 observing mode. The options are full frame mode with the full FOV exposed, partial window mode with only parts of the central CCD exposed (in different sub-modes), and timing mode where the central CCD was not exposed ('Fast Uncompressed'). varchar 16      
M2_SUBMODE xmm3dr4 XMM M2 observing mode. The options are full frame mode with the full FOV exposed, partial window mode with only parts of the central CCD exposed (in different sub-modes), and timing mode where the central CCD was not exposed ('Fast Uncompressed'). varchar 50      
M3 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Number of detections for band 3 int 4   -9  
M3_6 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE Number of detections for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1) int 4   -9  
M4 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Number of detections for band 4 int 4   -9  
M4_5 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE Number of detections for 4.5um IRAC (Band 2) int 4   -9  
M5_8 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE Number of detections for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3) int 4   -9  
M8_0 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE Number of detections for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4) int 4   -9  
MAD_HRV ravedr5Source RAVE Median absolute deviation in HRV from 10 resampled spectra float 8 km/s   stat.error;stat.median
MAD_logg_K ravedr5Source RAVE Median absolute deviation of surface gravity from 10 resampled spectra float 8 dex   stat.error;stat.median;phys.gravity
MAD_Met_K ravedr5Source RAVE Median absolute deviation in Met_K from 10 resampled spectra float 8 dex   stat.error;stat.median;phys.abund.Z
MAD_Teff_K ravedr5Source RAVE Median absolute deviation in Teff_K from 10 resampled spectra float 8 K   stat.error;stat.median;phys.temperature.effective
mag1 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Magnitude in IRAC band 1 real 4 mag 99.999  
mag1_err glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE 1sigma mag error (IRAC band 1) real 4 mag 99.999  
mag2 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Magnitude in IRAC band 2 real 4 mag 99.999  
mag2_err glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE 1sigma mag error (IRAC band 2) real 4 mag 99.999  
mag3 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Magnitude in IRAC band 3 real 4 mag 99.999  
mag3_6 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 3.6um IRAC (Band 1) magnitude real 4 mag 99.999  
mag3_6_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 3.6um IRAC (Band 1) 1 sigma error real 4 mag 99.999  
mag3_err glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE 1sigma mag error (IRAC band 3) real 4 mag 99.999  
mag4 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Magnitude in IRAC band 4 real 4 mag 99.999  
mag4_5 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 4.5um IRAC (Band 2) magnitude real 4 mag 99.999  
mag4_5_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 4.5um IRAC (Band 2) 1 sigma error real 4 mag 99.999  
mag4_err glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE 1sigma mag error (IRAC band 4) real 4 mag 99.999  
mag5_8 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 5.8um IRAC (Band 3) magnitude real 4 mag 99.999  
mag5_8_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 5.8um IRAC (Band 3) 1 sigma error real 4 mag 99.999  
mag8_0 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 8.0um IRAC (Band 4) magnitude real 4 mag 99.999  
mag8_0_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 8.0um IRAC (Band 4) 1 sigma error real 4 mag 99.999  
MAG_AUTO mgcDetection MGC Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude real 4 mag    
MAG_AUTO_DC mgcDetection MGC MAG_AUTO corrected for extinction real 4 mag    
mag_bj igsl_source GAIADR1 B magnitude measure (GSC23 system) real 4 mag   phot.mag;em.opt.B
mag_bj_error igsl_source GAIADR1 Error in B magnitude measure real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B
MAG_ERR mgcDetection MGC Error for B_MGC real 4 mag    
mag_g igsl_source GAIADR1 G magnitude estimate real 4 mag   phot.mag;em.opt
mag_g_error igsl_source GAIADR1 Error on G magnitude estimate real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
mag_grvs igsl_source GAIADR1 RVS G magnitude estimate real 4 mag   phot.mag;em.opt
mag_grvs_error igsl_source GAIADR1 Error on RVS G magnitude estimate real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
MAG_ISO mgcDetection MGC Isophotal magnitude real 4 mag    
MAG_ISO_DC mgcDetection MGC MAG_ISO corrected for extinction real 4 mag    
MAG_ISOCOR mgcDetection MGC Gaussian corrected isophotal magnitude real 4 mag    
MAG_ISOCOR_DC mgcDetection MGC MAG_ISOCOR corrected for extinction real 4 mag    
mag_rf igsl_source GAIADR1 R magnitude measure (GSC23 system) real 4 mag   phot.mag;em.opt.R
mag_rf_error igsl_source GAIADR1 Error in R magnitude measure real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R
magazine SectionDetectors ATLASDR1 Name of magazine A,B, see insFilt1No in MultiframeEsoKeys varchar 4      
magazine SectionDetectors ATLASDR2 Name of magazine A,B, see insFilt1No in MultiframeEsoKeys varchar 4      
magazine SectionDetectors ATLASDR3 Name of magazine A,B, see insFilt1No in MultiframeEsoKeys varchar 4      
magazine SectionDetectors ATLASDR4 Name of magazine A,B, see insFilt1No in MultiframeEsoKeys varchar 4      
magazine SectionDetectors ATLASDR5 Name of magazine A,B, see insFilt1No in MultiframeEsoKeys varchar 4      
magazine SectionDetectors ATLASv20131127 Name of magazine A,B, see insFilt1No in MultiframeEsoKeys varchar 4      
magazine SectionDetectors ATLASv20160425 Name of magazine A,B, see insFilt1No in MultiframeEsoKeys varchar 4      
magazine SectionDetectors ATLASv20180209 Name of magazine A,B, see insFilt1No in MultiframeEsoKeys varchar 4      
magazine SectionDetectors VPHASDR3 Name of magazine A,B, see insFilt1No in MultiframeEsoKeys varchar 4      
magazine SectionDetectors VPHASv20160112 Name of magazine A,B, see insFilt1No in MultiframeEsoKeys varchar 4      
magazine SectionDetectors VPHASv20170222 Name of magazine A,B, see insFilt1No in MultiframeEsoKeys varchar 4      
magH glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band magnitude real 4 mag 99.999  
magH_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band 1 sigma error real 4 mag 99.999  
magJ glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band magnitude real 4 mag 99.999  
magJ_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band 1 sigma error real 4 mag 99.999  
magK glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band magnitude real 4 mag 99.999  
magKs_err glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE 2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band 1 sigma error real 4 mag 99.999  
maj first08Jul16Source, firstSource, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST major axes derived from the elliptical Gaussian model for the source after deconvolution. real 4 arcsec   phys.angSize.smajAxis
majAxis nvssSource NVSS Fitted (deconvolved) major axis of radio source real 4 arcsec   phys.angSize.smajAxis
major iras_psc IRAS Uncertainty ellipse major axis smallint 2 arcsec   stat.error
masktype Multiframe ATLASDR1 Mask type {image primary HDU keyword: MASKTYPE} tinyint 1   0  
masktype Multiframe ATLASDR2 Mask type {image primary HDU keyword: MASKTYPE} tinyint 1   0  
masktype Multiframe ATLASDR3 Mask type {image primary HDU keyword: MASKTYPE} tinyint 1   0  
masktype Multiframe ATLASDR4 Mask type {image primary HDU keyword: MASKTYPE} tinyint 1   0  
masktype Multiframe ATLASDR5 Mask type {image primary HDU keyword: MASKTYPE} tinyint 1   0  
masktype Multiframe ATLASv20131127 Mask type {image primary HDU keyword: MASKTYPE} tinyint 1   0  
masktype Multiframe ATLASv20160425 Mask type {image primary HDU keyword: MASKTYPE} tinyint 1   0  
masktype Multiframe ATLASv20180209 Mask type {image primary HDU keyword: MASKTYPE} tinyint 1   0  
masktype Multiframe VPHASDR3 Mask type {image primary HDU keyword: MASKTYPE} tinyint 1   0  
masktype Multiframe VPHASv20160112 Mask type {image primary HDU keyword: MASKTYPE} tinyint 1   0  
masktype Multiframe VPHASv20170222 Mask type {image primary HDU keyword: MASKTYPE} tinyint 1   0  
masterObjID atlasSourceNeighbours ATLASDR2 The unique ID in atlasSource (=sourceID) bigint 8     meta.id;meta.main
masterObjID atlasSourceNeighbours ATLASDR3 The unique ID in atlasSource (=sourceID) bigint 8     meta.id;meta.main
masterObjID atlasSourceNeighbours ATLASDR5 The unique ID in atlasSource (=sourceID) bigint 8     meta.id;meta.main
masterObjID atlasSourceNeighbours ATLASv20131127 The unique ID in atlasSource (=sourceID) bigint 8     meta.id;meta.main
masterObjID atlasSourceNeighbours ATLASv20160425 The unique ID in atlasSource (=sourceID) bigint 8     meta.id;meta.main
masterObjID atlasSourceNeighbours ATLASv20180209 The unique ID in atlasSource (=sourceID) bigint 8     meta.id;meta.main
masterObjID atlasSourceNeighbours, atlasSourceXDR13PhotoObj, atlasSourceXDR13PhotoObjAll, atlasSourceXGDR2gaia_source, atlasSourceXallwise_sc, atlasSourceXraveDr5Source, atlasSourceXtwompzPhotoz, atlasSourceXvhsDr6Source, atlasSourceXvikingDr4Source, atlasSourceXwiseScosPhotoz, atlasSourceXxmm3dr4 ATLASDR4 The unique ID in atlasSource (=sourceID) bigint 8     meta.id;meta.main
masterObjID atlasSourceNeighbours, atlasSourceXDR5PhotoObj, atlasSourceXDR5PhotoObjAll, atlasSourceXDR7PhotoObj, atlasSourceXDR7PhotoObjAll, atlasSourceXDR8PhotoObj, atlasSourceXDR8PhotoObjAll, atlasSourceXDR9PhotoObj, atlasSourceXDR9PhotoObjAll, atlasSourceXGDR1gaia_source, atlasSourceXGDR1tgas_source, atlasSourceXGR6PhotoObjAll, atlasSourceXSSASource, atlasSourceXSegueDR6PhotoObj, atlasSourceXSegueDR6PhotoObjAll, atlasSourceXStripe82PhotoObjAll, atlasSourceXdenisDR3Source, atlasSourceXfirstSource, atlasSourceXglimpse_hrc_inter, atlasSourceXglimpse_mca_inter, atlasSourceXiras_psc, atlasSourceXmgcDetection, atlasSourceXrosat_bsc, atlasSourceXrosat_fsc, atlasSourceXtwomass_psc, atlasSourceXtwomass_xsc, atlasSourceXtwoxmm, atlasSourceXvhsDr1Source, atlasSourceXvikingDr2Source, atlasSourceXwise_allskysc ATLASDR1 The unique ID in atlasSource (=sourceID) bigint 8     meta.id;meta.main
masterObjID vphasSourceNeighbours VPHASv20170222 The unique ID in vphasSource (=sourceID) bigint 8     meta.id;meta.main
masterObjID vphasSourceNeighbours, vphasSourceXDR8gpsSource, vphasSourceXGDR1gaia_source, vphasSourceXGDR1tgas_source, vphasSourceXSSASource, vphasSourceXallwise_sc, vphasSourceXglimpse1_hrc, vphasSourceXglimpse1_mca, vphasSourceXglimpse2_hrc, vphasSourceXglimpse2_mca, vphasSourceXiras_psc, vphasSourceXtwomass_psc, vphasSourceXtwomass_sixx2_psc, vphasSourceXtwomass_sixx2_xsc, vphasSourceXtwomass_xsc, vphasSourceXvvvDr4Source, vphasSourceXwise_allskysc, vphasSourceXxmm3dr4 VPHASDR3 The unique ID in vphasSource (=sourceID) bigint 8     meta.id;meta.main
masterObjID vphasSourceNeighbours, vphasSourceXvvvSource VPHASv20160112 The unique ID in vphasSource (=sourceID) bigint 8     meta.id;meta.main
MATCH_1XMM twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2 XMM The IAU name of the 1XMM source ID matched within radius of 3 arcsec and using the closest candidate. varchar 21      
MATCH_2XMMP twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2 XMM The IAU name of the 2XMMp source ID matched within radius of 3" and using the closest candidate. varchar 22      
matched_observations gaia_source GAIADR2 The number of observations matched to this source smallint 2     meta.number
matched_observations gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Amount of observations matched to this source smallint 2     meta.number
MatchFlag_2MASS ravedr5Source RAVE Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) varchar 3     meta.code
MatchFlag_ALLWISE ravedr5Source RAVE Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) varchar 3     meta.code
MatchFlag_APASSDR9 ravedr5Source RAVE Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) varchar 5     meta.code
MatchFlag_DENIS ravedr5Source RAVE Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) varchar 5     meta.code
MatchFlag_PPMXL ravedr5Source RAVE Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) varchar 3     meta.code
MatchFlag_TGAS ravedr5Source RAVE Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) varchar 5     meta.code
MatchFlag_TYCHO2 ravedr5Source RAVE Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) varchar 5     meta.code
MatchFlag_UCAC4 ravedr5Source RAVE Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) varchar 3     meta.code
MatchFlag_USNOB1 ravedr5Source RAVE Crossmatch quality flag varchar 3     meta.code
maxDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR1 The maximum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
maxDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR2 The maximum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
maxDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR3 The maximum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
maxDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR4 The maximum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
maxDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR5 The maximum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
maxDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20131127 The maximum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
maxDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20160425 The maximum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
maxDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20180209 The maximum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
maxDec CurrentAstrometry VPHASDR3 The maximum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
maxDec CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20160112 The maximum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
maxDec CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20170222 The maximum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
maximum phot_variable_time_series_g_fov_statistical_parameters GAIADR1 Maximum magnitude of the G-band time series float 8 mag   phot.mag;stat.max
maxMoonFli Multiframe ATLASDR1 Requested maximum fractional lunar illumination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
maxMoonFli Multiframe ATLASDR2 Requested maximum fractional lunar illumination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
maxMoonFli Multiframe ATLASDR3 Requested maximum fractional lunar illumination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
maxMoonFli Multiframe ATLASDR4 Requested maximum fractional lunar illumination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
maxMoonFli Multiframe ATLASDR5 Requested maximum fractional lunar illumination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
maxMoonFli Multiframe ATLASv20131127 Requested maximum fractional lunar illumination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
maxMoonFli Multiframe ATLASv20160425 Requested maximum fractional lunar illumination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
maxMoonFli Multiframe ATLASv20180209 Requested maximum fractional lunar illumination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
maxMoonFli Multiframe VPHASDR3 Requested maximum fractional lunar illumination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
maxMoonFli Multiframe VPHASv20160112 Requested maximum fractional lunar illumination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
maxMoonFli Multiframe VPHASv20170222 Requested maximum fractional lunar illumination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
maxRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR1 The maximum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
maxRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR2 The maximum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
maxRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR3 The maximum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
maxRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR4 The maximum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
maxRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR5 The maximum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
maxRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20131127 The maximum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
maxRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20160425 The maximum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
maxRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20180209 The maximum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
maxRa CurrentAstrometry VPHASDR3 The maximum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
maxRa CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20160112 The maximum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
maxRa CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20170222 The maximum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
Mcor_I denisDR3Source DENIS Mean correlation to PSF in I band [0,1] float 8      
Mcor_J denisDR3Source DENIS Mean correlation to PSF in J band [0,1] float 8      
Mcor_K denisDR3Source DENIS Mean correlation to PSF in K band [0,1] float 8      
mdetID catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE source ID in mdet list int 4      
mean phot_variable_time_series_g_fov_statistical_parameters GAIADR1 Mean magnitude of the G-band time series float 8 mag   phot.mag;stat.mean
mean_obs_time phot_variable_time_series_g_fov_statistical_parameters GAIADR1 Mean observation time (with respect to T0) of G-band time series float 8 days   time.epoch;stat.mean
mean_varpi_factor_al gaia_source GAIADR2 Mean parallax factor Along-Scan real 4     stat.mean;pos.parallax;arith.factor
MeanObsMJD catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE mean observation epoch float 8 MJD    
median phot_variable_time_series_g_fov_statistical_parameters GAIADR1 Median magnitude of the G-band time series float 8 mag   phot.mag;stat.median
median_absolute_deviation phot_variable_time_series_g_fov_statistical_parameters GAIADR1 Median Absolute Deviation of the G-band time series values float 8 mag   phot.mag;stat.value
medPa MultiframeDetector ATLASDR1 Mean PA from N to E {catalogue extension keyword:  MED_PA} real 4 deg -9.999995e+08  
medPa MultiframeDetector ATLASDR2 Mean PA from N to E {catalogue extension keyword:  MED_PA} real 4 deg -9.999995e+08  
medPa MultiframeDetector ATLASDR3 Mean PA from N to E {catalogue extension keyword:  MED_PA} real 4 deg -9.999995e+08  
medPa MultiframeDetector ATLASDR4 Mean PA from N to E {catalogue extension keyword:  MED_PA} real 4 deg -9.999995e+08  
medPa MultiframeDetector ATLASDR5 Mean PA from N to E {catalogue extension keyword:  MED_PA} real 4 deg -9.999995e+08  
medPa MultiframeDetector ATLASv20131127 Mean PA from N to E {catalogue extension keyword:  MED_PA} real 4 deg -9.999995e+08  
medPa MultiframeDetector ATLASv20160425 Mean PA from N to E {catalogue extension keyword:  MED_PA} real 4 deg -9.999995e+08  
medPa MultiframeDetector ATLASv20180209 Mean PA from N to E {catalogue extension keyword:  MED_PA} real 4 deg -9.999995e+08  
medPa MultiframeDetector VPHASDR3 Mean PA from N to E {catalogue extension keyword:  MED_PA} real 4 deg -9.999995e+08  
medPa MultiframeDetector VPHASv20160112 Mean PA from N to E {catalogue extension keyword:  MED_PA} real 4 deg -9.999995e+08  
medPa MultiframeDetector VPHASv20170222 Mean PA from N to E {catalogue extension keyword:  MED_PA} real 4 deg -9.999995e+08  
mergedClass atlasSource ATLASDR1 Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) smallint 2     meta.code
Individual detection classifications are combined in the source merging process to produce a set of attributes for each merged source as follows. Presently, a basic classification table is defined that assigns reasonably accurate, self-consistent probability values for a given classification code:
Probability (%)
-9Saturated 0.0 0.0 5.095.0
-3Probable galaxy25.070.0 5.0 0.0
-2Probable star70.025.0 5.0 0.0
-1Star90.0 5.0 5.0 0.0
0Noise 5.0 5.090.0 0.0
+1Galaxy 5.090.0 5.0 0.0

Then, each separately available classification is combined for a merged source using Bayesian classification rules, assuming each datum is independent:

P(classk)=ΠiP(classk)i / ΣkΠiP(classk)i
where classk is one of star|galaxy|noise|saturated, and i denotes the ith single detection passband measurement available (the non-zero entries are necessary for the independent measures method to work, since some cases might otherwise be mutually exclusive). For example, if an object is classed in J|H|K as -1|-2|+1 it would have merged classification probabilities of pStar=73.5%, pGalaxy=26.2%, pNoise=0.3% and pSaturated=0.0%. Decision thresholds for the resulting discrete classification flag mergedClass are 90% for definitive and 70% for probable; hence the above example would be classified (not unreasonably) as probably a star (mergedClass=-2). An additional decision rule enforces mergedClass=-9 (saturated) when any individual classification flag indicates saturation.

mergedClass atlasSource ATLASDR2 Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) smallint 2     meta.code
Individual detection classifications are combined in the source merging process to produce a set of attributes for each merged source as follows. Presently, a basic classification table is defined that assigns reasonably accurate, self-consistent probability values for a given classification code:
Probability (%)
-9Saturated 0.0 0.0 5.095.0
-3Probable galaxy25.070.0 5.0 0.0
-2Probable star70.025.0 5.0 0.0
-1Star90.0 5.0 5.0 0.0
0Noise 5.0 5.090.0 0.0
+1Galaxy 5.090.0 5.0 0.0

Then, each separately available classification is combined for a merged source using Bayesian classification rules, assuming each datum is independent:

P(classk)=ΠiP(classk)i / ΣkΠiP(classk)i
where classk is one of star|galaxy|noise|saturated, and i denotes the ith single detection passband measurement available (the non-zero entries are necessary for the independent measures method to work, since some cases might otherwise be mutually exclusive). For example, if an object is classed in J|H|K as -1|-2|+1 it would have merged classification probabilities of pStar=73.5%, pGalaxy=26.2%, pNoise=0.3% and pSaturated=0.0%. Decision thresholds for the resulting discrete classification flag mergedClass are 90% for definitive and 70% for probable; hence the above example would be classified (not unreasonably) as probably a star (mergedClass=-2). An additional decision rule enforces mergedClass=-9 (saturated) when any individual classification flag indicates saturation.

mergedClass atlasSource ATLASDR3 Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) smallint 2     meta.code
Individual detection classifications are combined in the source merging process to produce a set of attributes for each merged source as follows. Presently, a basic classification table is defined that assigns reasonably accurate, self-consistent probability values for a given classification code:
Probability (%)
-9Saturated 0.0 0.0 5.095.0
-3Probable galaxy25.070.0 5.0 0.0
-2Probable star70.025.0 5.0 0.0
-1Star90.0 5.0 5.0 0.0
0Noise 5.0 5.090.0 0.0
+1Galaxy 5.090.0 5.0 0.0

Then, each separately available classification is combined for a merged source using Bayesian classification rules, assuming each datum is independent:

P(classk)=ΠiP(classk)i / ΣkΠiP(classk)i
where classk is one of star|galaxy|noise|saturated, and i denotes the ith single detection passband measurement available (the non-zero entries are necessary for the independent measures method to work, since some cases might otherwise be mutually exclusive). For example, if an object is classed in J|H|K as -1|-2|+1 it would have merged classification probabilities of pStar=73.5%, pGalaxy=26.2%, pNoise=0.3% and pSaturated=0.0%. Decision thresholds for the resulting discrete classification flag mergedClass are 90% for definitive and 70% for probable; hence the above example would be classified (not unreasonably) as probably a star (mergedClass=-2). An additional decision rule enforces mergedClass=-9 (saturated) when any individual classification flag indicates saturation.

mergedClass atlasSource ATLASDR4 Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) smallint 2     meta.code
Individual detection classifications are combined in the source merging process to produce a set of attributes for each merged source as follows. Presently, a basic classification table is defined that assigns reasonably accurate, self-consistent probability values for a given classification code:
Probability (%)
-9Saturated 0.0 0.0 5.095.0
-3Probable galaxy25.070.0 5.0 0.0
-2Probable star70.025.0 5.0 0.0
-1Star90.0 5.0 5.0 0.0
0Noise 5.0 5.090.0 0.0
+1Galaxy 5.090.0 5.0 0.0

Then, each separately available classification is combined for a merged source using Bayesian classification rules, assuming each datum is independent:

P(classk)=ΠiP(classk)i / ΣkΠiP(classk)i
where classk is one of star|galaxy|noise|saturated, and i denotes the ith single detection passband measurement available (the non-zero entries are necessary for the independent measures method to work, since some cases might otherwise be mutually exclusive). For example, if an object is classed in J|H|K as -1|-2|+1 it would have merged classification probabilities of pStar=73.5%, pGalaxy=26.2%, pNoise=0.3% and pSaturated=0.0%. Decision thresholds for the resulting discrete classification flag mergedClass are 90% for definitive and 70% for probable; hence the above example would be classified (not unreasonably) as probably a star (mergedClass=-2). An additional decision rule enforces mergedClass=-9 (saturated) when any individual classification flag indicates saturation.

mergedClass atlasSource ATLASDR5 Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) smallint 2     meta.code
Individual detection classifications are combined in the source merging process to produce a set of attributes for each merged source as follows. Presently, a basic classification table is defined that assigns reasonably accurate, self-consistent probability values for a given classification code:
Probability (%)
-9Saturated 0.0 0.0 5.095.0
-3Probable galaxy25.070.0 5.0 0.0
-2Probable star70.025.0 5.0 0.0
-1Star90.0 5.0 5.0 0.0
0Noise 5.0 5.090.0 0.0
+1Galaxy 5.090.0 5.0 0.0

Then, each separately available classification is combined for a merged source using Bayesian classification rules, assuming each datum is independent:

P(classk)=ΠiP(classk)i / ΣkΠiP(classk)i
where classk is one of star|galaxy|noise|saturated, and i denotes the ith single detection passband measurement available (the non-zero entries are necessary for the independent measures method to work, since some cases might otherwise be mutually exclusive). For example, if an object is classed in J|H|K as -1|-2|+1 it would have merged classification probabilities of pStar=73.5%, pGalaxy=26.2%, pNoise=0.3% and pSaturated=0.0%. Decision thresholds for the resulting discrete classification flag mergedClass are 90% for definitive and 70% for probable; hence the above example would be classified (not unreasonably) as probably a star (mergedClass=-2). An additional decision rule enforces mergedClass=-9 (saturated) when any individual classification flag indicates saturation.

mergedClass atlasSource ATLASv20131127 Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) smallint 2     meta.code
Individual detection classifications are combined in the source merging process to produce a set of attributes for each merged source as follows. Presently, a basic classification table is defined that assigns reasonably accurate, self-consistent probability values for a given classification code:
Probability (%)
-9Saturated 0.0 0.0 5.095.0
-3Probable galaxy25.070.0 5.0 0.0
-2Probable star70.025.0 5.0 0.0
-1Star90.0 5.0 5.0 0.0
0Noise 5.0 5.090.0 0.0
+1Galaxy 5.090.0 5.0 0.0

Then, each separately available classification is combined for a merged source using Bayesian classification rules, assuming each datum is independent:

P(classk)=ΠiP(classk)i / ΣkΠiP(classk)i
where classk is one of star|galaxy|noise|saturated, and i denotes the ith single detection passband measurement available (the non-zero entries are necessary for the independent measures method to work, since some cases might otherwise be mutually exclusive). For example, if an object is classed in J|H|K as -1|-2|+1 it would have merged classification probabilities of pStar=73.5%, pGalaxy=26.2%, pNoise=0.3% and pSaturated=0.0%. Decision thresholds for the resulting discrete classification flag mergedClass are 90% for definitive and 70% for probable; hence the above example would be classified (not unreasonably) as probably a star (mergedClass=-2). An additional decision rule enforces mergedClass=-9 (saturated) when any individual classification flag indicates saturation.

mergedClass atlasSource ATLASv20160425 Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) smallint 2     meta.code
Individual detection classifications are combined in the source merging process to produce a set of attributes for each merged source as follows. Presently, a basic classification table is defined that assigns reasonably accurate, self-consistent probability values for a given classification code:
Probability (%)
-9Saturated 0.0 0.0 5.095.0
-3Probable galaxy25.070.0 5.0 0.0
-2Probable star70.025.0 5.0 0.0
-1Star90.0 5.0 5.0 0.0
0Noise 5.0 5.090.0 0.0
+1Galaxy 5.090.0 5.0 0.0

Then, each separately available classification is combined for a merged source using Bayesian classification rules, assuming each datum is independent:

P(classk)=ΠiP(classk)i / ΣkΠiP(classk)i
where classk is one of star|galaxy|noise|saturated, and i denotes the ith single detection passband measurement available (the non-zero entries are necessary for the independent measures method to work, since some cases might otherwise be mutually exclusive). For example, if an object is classed in J|H|K as -1|-2|+1 it would have merged classification probabilities of pStar=73.5%, pGalaxy=26.2%, pNoise=0.3% and pSaturated=0.0%. Decision thresholds for the resulting discrete classification flag mergedClass are 90% for definitive and 70% for probable; hence the above example would be classified (not unreasonably) as probably a star (mergedClass=-2). An additional decision rule enforces mergedClass=-9 (saturated) when any individual classification flag indicates saturation.

mergedClass atlasSource ATLASv20180209 Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) smallint 2     meta.code
Individual detection classifications are combined in the source merging process to produce a set of attributes for each merged source as follows. Presently, a basic classification table is defined that assigns reasonably accurate, self-consistent probability values for a given classification code:
Probability (%)
-9Saturated 0.0 0.0 5.095.0
-3Probable galaxy25.070.0 5.0 0.0
-2Probable star70.025.0 5.0 0.0
-1Star90.0 5.0 5.0 0.0
0Noise 5.0 5.090.0 0.0
+1Galaxy 5.090.0 5.0 0.0

Then, each separately available classification is combined for a merged source using Bayesian classification rules, assuming each datum is independent:

P(classk)=ΠiP(classk)i / ΣkΠiP(classk)i
where classk is one of star|galaxy|noise|saturated, and i denotes the ith single detection passband measurement available (the non-zero entries are necessary for the independent measures method to work, since some cases might otherwise be mutually exclusive). For example, if an object is classed in J|H|K as -1|-2|+1 it would have merged classification probabilities of pStar=73.5%, pGalaxy=26.2%, pNoise=0.3% and pSaturated=0.0%. Decision thresholds for the resulting discrete classification flag mergedClass are 90% for definitive and 70% for probable; hence the above example would be classified (not unreasonably) as probably a star (mergedClass=-2). An additional decision rule enforces mergedClass=-9 (saturated) when any individual classification flag indicates saturation.

mergedClass vphasSource VPHASDR3 Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) smallint 2     meta.code
Individual detection classifications are combined in the source merging process to produce a set of attributes for each merged source as follows. Presently, a basic classification table is defined that assigns reasonably accurate, self-consistent probability values for a given classification code:
Probability (%)
-9Saturated 0.0 0.0 5.095.0
-3Probable galaxy25.070.0 5.0 0.0
-2Probable star70.025.0 5.0 0.0
-1Star90.0 5.0 5.0 0.0
0Noise 5.0 5.090.0 0.0
+1Galaxy 5.090.0 5.0 0.0

Then, each separately available classification is combined for a merged source using Bayesian classification rules, assuming each datum is independent:

P(classk)=ΠiP(classk)i / ΣkΠiP(classk)i
where classk is one of star|galaxy|noise|saturated, and i denotes the ith single detection passband measurement available (the non-zero entries are necessary for the independent measures method to work, since some cases might otherwise be mutually exclusive). For example, if an object is classed in J|H|K as -1|-2|+1 it would have merged classification probabilities of pStar=73.5%, pGalaxy=26.2%, pNoise=0.3% and pSaturated=0.0%. Decision thresholds for the resulting discrete classification flag mergedClass are 90% for definitive and 70% for probable; hence the above example would be classified (not unreasonably) as probably a star (mergedClass=-2). An additional decision rule enforces mergedClass=-9 (saturated) when any individual classification flag indicates saturation.

mergedClass vphasSource VPHASv20160112 Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) smallint 2     meta.code
Individual detection classifications are combined in the source merging process to produce a set of attributes for each merged source as follows. Presently, a basic classification table is defined that assigns reasonably accurate, self-consistent probability values for a given classification code:
Probability (%)
-9Saturated 0.0 0.0 5.095.0
-3Probable galaxy25.070.0 5.0 0.0
-2Probable star70.025.0 5.0 0.0
-1Star90.0 5.0 5.0 0.0
0Noise 5.0 5.090.0 0.0
+1Galaxy 5.090.0 5.0 0.0

Then, each separately available classification is combined for a merged source using Bayesian classification rules, assuming each datum is independent:

P(classk)=ΠiP(classk)i / ΣkΠiP(classk)i
where classk is one of star|galaxy|noise|saturated, and i denotes the ith single detection passband measurement available (the non-zero entries are necessary for the independent measures method to work, since some cases might otherwise be mutually exclusive). For example, if an object is classed in J|H|K as -1|-2|+1 it would have merged classification probabilities of pStar=73.5%, pGalaxy=26.2%, pNoise=0.3% and pSaturated=0.0%. Decision thresholds for the resulting discrete classification flag mergedClass are 90% for definitive and 70% for probable; hence the above example would be classified (not unreasonably) as probably a star (mergedClass=-2). An additional decision rule enforces mergedClass=-9 (saturated) when any individual classification flag indicates saturation.

mergedClass vphasSource VPHASv20170222 Class flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated) smallint 2     meta.code
Individual detection classifications are combined in the source merging process to produce a set of attributes for each merged source as follows. Presently, a basic classification table is defined that assigns reasonably accurate, self-consistent probability values for a given classification code:
Probability (%)
-9Saturated 0.0 0.0 5.095.0
-3Probable galaxy25.070.0 5.0 0.0
-2Probable star70.025.0 5.0 0.0
-1Star90.0 5.0 5.0 0.0
0Noise 5.0 5.090.0 0.0
+1Galaxy 5.090.0 5.0 0.0

Then, each separately available classification is combined for a merged source using Bayesian classification rules, assuming each datum is independent:

P(classk)=ΠiP(classk)i / ΣkΠiP(classk)i
where classk is one of star|galaxy|noise|saturated, and i denotes the ith single detection passband measurement available (the non-zero entries are necessary for the independent measures method to work, since some cases might otherwise be mutually exclusive). For example, if an object is classed in J|H|K as -1|-2|+1 it would have merged classification probabilities of pStar=73.5%, pGalaxy=26.2%, pNoise=0.3% and pSaturated=0.0%. Decision thresholds for the resulting discrete classification flag mergedClass are 90% for definitive and 70% for probable; hence the above example would be classified (not unreasonably) as probably a star (mergedClass=-2). An additional decision rule enforces mergedClass=-9 (saturated) when any individual classification flag indicates saturation.

mergedClassStat atlasSource ATLASDR1 Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat
This profile classification statistic is a continuously distributed, Gaussian N(0,1) (i.e. zero mean, unit variance) statistic formed from the available individual classification statistics by averaging them and multiplying by N1/2 such that cuts on mergedClassStat result in completeness being independent of number of frames an object appears on, but with reliability improving with the number of frames.
mergedClassStat atlasSource ATLASDR2 Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat
This profile classification statistic is a continuously distributed, Gaussian N(0,1) (i.e. zero mean, unit variance) statistic formed from the available individual classification statistics by averaging them and multiplying by N1/2 such that cuts on mergedClassStat result in completeness being independent of number of frames an object appears on, but with reliability improving with the number of frames.
mergedClassStat atlasSource ATLASDR3 Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat
This profile classification statistic is a continuously distributed, Gaussian N(0,1) (i.e. zero mean, unit variance) statistic formed from the available individual classification statistics by averaging them and multiplying by N1/2 such that cuts on mergedClassStat result in completeness being independent of number of frames an object appears on, but with reliability improving with the number of frames.
mergedClassStat atlasSource ATLASDR4 Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat
This profile classification statistic is a continuously distributed, Gaussian N(0,1) (i.e. zero mean, unit variance) statistic formed from the available individual classification statistics by averaging them and multiplying by N1/2 such that cuts on mergedClassStat result in completeness being independent of number of frames an object appears on, but with reliability improving with the number of frames.
mergedClassStat atlasSource ATLASDR5 Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat
This profile classification statistic is a continuously distributed, Gaussian N(0,1) (i.e. zero mean, unit variance) statistic formed from the available individual classification statistics by averaging them and multiplying by N1/2 such that cuts on mergedClassStat result in completeness being independent of number of frames an object appears on, but with reliability improving with the number of frames.
mergedClassStat atlasSource ATLASv20131127 Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat
This profile classification statistic is a continuously distributed, Gaussian N(0,1) (i.e. zero mean, unit variance) statistic formed from the available individual classification statistics by averaging them and multiplying by N1/2 such that cuts on mergedClassStat result in completeness being independent of number of frames an object appears on, but with reliability improving with the number of frames.
mergedClassStat atlasSource ATLASv20160425 Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat
This profile classification statistic is a continuously distributed, Gaussian N(0,1) (i.e. zero mean, unit variance) statistic formed from the available individual classification statistics by averaging them and multiplying by N1/2 such that cuts on mergedClassStat result in completeness being independent of number of frames an object appears on, but with reliability improving with the number of frames.
mergedClassStat atlasSource ATLASv20180209 Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat
This profile classification statistic is a continuously distributed, Gaussian N(0,1) (i.e. zero mean, unit variance) statistic formed from the available individual classification statistics by averaging them and multiplying by N1/2 such that cuts on mergedClassStat result in completeness being independent of number of frames an object appears on, but with reliability improving with the number of frames.
mergedClassStat vphasSource VPHASDR3 Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat
This profile classification statistic is a continuously distributed, Gaussian N(0,1) (i.e. zero mean, unit variance) statistic formed from the available individual classification statistics by averaging them and multiplying by N1/2 such that cuts on mergedClassStat result in completeness being independent of number of frames an object appears on, but with reliability improving with the number of frames.
mergedClassStat vphasSource VPHASv20160112 Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat
This profile classification statistic is a continuously distributed, Gaussian N(0,1) (i.e. zero mean, unit variance) statistic formed from the available individual classification statistics by averaging them and multiplying by N1/2 such that cuts on mergedClassStat result in completeness being independent of number of frames an object appears on, but with reliability improving with the number of frames.
mergedClassStat vphasSource VPHASv20170222 Merged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic real 4   -0.9999995e9 stat
This profile classification statistic is a continuously distributed, Gaussian N(0,1) (i.e. zero mean, unit variance) statistic formed from the available individual classification statistics by averaging them and multiplying by N1/2 such that cuts on mergedClassStat result in completeness being independent of number of frames an object appears on, but with reliability improving with the number of frames.
mergeLogTable Programme ATLASDR1 Table name of curation log for source merging varchar 64     ??
mergeLogTable Programme ATLASDR2 Table name of curation log for source merging varchar 64     ??
mergeLogTable Programme ATLASDR3 Table name of curation log for source merging varchar 64     ??
mergeLogTable Programme ATLASDR4 Table name of curation log for source merging varchar 64     ??
mergeLogTable Programme ATLASDR5 Table name of curation log for source merging varchar 64     ??
mergeLogTable Programme ATLASv20131127 Table name of curation log for source merging varchar 64     ??
mergeLogTable Programme ATLASv20160425 Table name of curation log for source merging varchar 64     ??
mergeLogTable Programme ATLASv20180209 Table name of curation log for source merging varchar 64     ??
mergeLogTable Programme VPHASDR3 Table name of curation log for source merging varchar 64     ??
mergeLogTable Programme VPHASv20160112 Table name of curation log for source merging varchar 64     ??
mergeLogTable Programme VPHASv20170222 Table name of curation log for source merging varchar 64     ??
mergeSwVersion atlasMergeLog ATLASDR1 version number of the software used to merge the frames real 4     meta.software
mergeSwVersion atlasMergeLog ATLASDR2 version number of the software used to merge the frames real 4     meta.software
mergeSwVersion atlasMergeLog ATLASDR3 version number of the software used to merge the frames real 4     meta.id;meta.software
mergeSwVersion atlasMergeLog ATLASDR4 version number of the software used to merge the frames real 4     meta.id;meta.software
mergeSwVersion atlasMergeLog ATLASDR5 version number of the software used to merge the frames real 4     meta.id;meta.software
mergeSwVersion atlasMergeLog ATLASv20131127 version number of the software used to merge the frames real 4     meta.software
mergeSwVersion atlasMergeLog ATLASv20160425 version number of the software used to merge the frames real 4     meta.id;meta.software
mergeSwVersion atlasMergeLog ATLASv20180209 version number of the software used to merge the frames real 4     meta.id;meta.software
mergeSwVersion vphasMergeLog VPHASDR3 version number of the software used to merge the frames real 4     meta.id;meta.software
mergeSwVersion vphasMergeLog VPHASv20160112 version number of the software used to merge the frames real 4     meta.id;meta.software
mergeSwVersion vphasMergeLog VPHASv20170222 version number of the software used to merge the frames real 4     meta.id;meta.software
Met_K ravedr5Source RAVE [m/H] float 8 dex   phys.abund.Z
Met_N_K ravedr5Source RAVE Calibrated metallicity [m/H] float 8 dex   phys.abund.Z
method RequiredDiffImage ATLASDR1 CASU difference image tool option string specifying the method to employ (recommended value=adaptive/back/zerosky) varchar 64     ??
method RequiredDiffImage ATLASDR2 CASU difference image tool option string specifying the method to employ (recommended value=adaptive/back/zerosky) varchar 64     ??
method RequiredDiffImage ATLASDR3 CASU difference image tool option string specifying the method to employ (recommended value=adaptive/back/zerosky) varchar 64     ??
method RequiredDiffImage ATLASDR4 CASU difference image tool option string specifying the method to employ (recommended value=adaptive/back/zerosky) varchar 64     ??
method RequiredDiffImage ATLASDR5 CASU difference image tool option string specifying the method to employ (recommended value=adaptive/back/zerosky) varchar 64     ??
method RequiredDiffImage ATLASv20131127 CASU difference image tool option string specifying the method to employ (recommended value=adaptive/back/zerosky) varchar 64     ??
method RequiredDiffImage ATLASv20160425 CASU difference image tool option string specifying the method to employ (recommended value=adaptive/back/zerosky) varchar 64     ??
method RequiredDiffImage ATLASv20180209 CASU difference image tool option string specifying the method to employ (recommended value=adaptive/back/zerosky) varchar 64     ??
method RequiredDiffImage VPHASDR3 CASU difference image tool option string specifying the method to employ (recommended value=adaptive/back/zerosky) varchar 64     ??
method RequiredDiffImage VPHASv20160112 CASU difference image tool option string specifying the method to employ (recommended value=adaptive/back/zerosky) varchar 64     ??
method RequiredDiffImage VPHASv20170222 CASU difference image tool option string specifying the method to employ (recommended value=adaptive/back/zerosky) varchar 64     ??
MF1 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Flux calc mathod flag for band 1 flux int 4   -9  
MF2 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Flux calc mathod flag for band 2 flux int 4   -9  
MF3 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Flux calc mathod flag for band 3 flux int 4   -9  
MF3_6 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE Flux calculation method flag 3.6um IRAC (Band 1) int 4   -9  
MF4 glimpse_hrc_inter, glimpse_mca_inter GLIMPSE Flux calc mathod flag for band 4 flux int 4   -9  
MF4_5 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE Flux calculation method flag 4.5um IRAC (Band 2) int 4   -9  
MF5_8 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE Flux calculation method flag 5.8um IRAC (Band 3) int 4   -9  
MF8_0 glimpse1_hrc, glimpse1_mca, glimpse2_hrc, glimpse2_mca GLIMPSE Flux calculation method flag 8.0um IRAC (Band 4) int 4   -9  
mFlag rosat_bsc, rosat_fsc ROSAT source missed by SASS varchar 1     meta.code
Mg ravedr5Source RAVE [Mg/H] abundance of Mg real 4 dex   phys.abund.Z
Mg_N ravedr5Source RAVE Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Mg/H] smallint 2     meta.number
MGC_B_KCORR mgcGalaxyStruct MGC MGC B-band K-correction real 4   0.000  
MGC_BEST_Z mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Best redshift real 4   9.99999  
MGC_BEST_ZQUAL mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Quality of best redshift (0-2 = BAD, 3-5=GOOD, 9=Not observed) tinyint 1   9  
MGC_HLR_TRUE mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Seeing corrected Half light radius real 4 arcsecs    
MGC_SEEING mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Seeing of MGC field real 4 arcsecs    
MGC_SPEC_TYPE mgcGalaxyStruct MGC Best spectral type fit from Poggianti (1998)sample (type+age, i.e., el150 = E/S0 15.0Gyrs) varchar 8   none  
MGCFN mgcDetection MGC MGC field number int 4      
MGCID mgcBrightSpec, mgcDetection, mgcGalaxyStruct MGC MGC object ID bigint 8      
MGCZ_ZHELIO mgcBrightSpec MGC MGCz heliocentric redshift real 4      
MGCZ_ZQUAL mgcBrightSpec MGC MGCz redshift quality tinyint 1      
mHcon iras_psc IRAS Possible number of HCONs tinyint 1     meta.number
min first08Jul16Source, firstSource, firstSource12Feb16 FIRST minor axes derived from the elliptical Gaussian model for the source after deconvolution. real 4 arcsec   phys.angSize.sminAxis
minAxis nvssSource NVSS Fitted (deconvolved) minor axis of radio source real 4 arcsec   phys.angSize.sminAxis
minDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR1 The minimum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
minDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR2 The minimum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
minDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR3 The minimum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
minDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR4 The minimum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
minDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR5 The minimum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
minDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20131127 The minimum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
minDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20160425 The minimum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
minDec CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20180209 The minimum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
minDec CurrentAstrometry VPHASDR3 The minimum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
minDec CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20160112 The minimum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
minDec CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20170222 The minimum Dec (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
minImageSize MultiframeDetector ATLASDR1 Minimum size for images {catalogue extension keyword:  MINPIX} tinyint 1 pixels 0  
minImageSize MultiframeDetector ATLASDR2 Minimum size for images {catalogue extension keyword:  MINPIX} tinyint 1 pixels 0  
minImageSize MultiframeDetector ATLASDR3 Minimum size for images {catalogue extension keyword:  MINPIX} tinyint 1 pixels 0  
minImageSize MultiframeDetector ATLASDR4 Minimum size for images {catalogue extension keyword:  MINPIX} tinyint 1 pixels 0  
minImageSize MultiframeDetector ATLASDR5 Minimum size for images {catalogue extension keyword:  MINPIX} tinyint 1 pixels 0  
minImageSize MultiframeDetector ATLASv20131127 Minimum size for images {catalogue extension keyword:  MINPIX} tinyint 1 pixels 0  
minImageSize MultiframeDetector ATLASv20160425 Minimum size for images {catalogue extension keyword:  MINPIX} tinyint 1 pixels 0  
minImageSize MultiframeDetector ATLASv20180209 Minimum size for images {catalogue extension keyword:  MINPIX} tinyint 1 pixels 0  
minImageSize MultiframeDetector VPHASDR3 Minimum size for images {catalogue extension keyword:  MINPIX} tinyint 1 pixels 0  
minImageSize MultiframeDetector VPHASv20160112 Minimum size for images {catalogue extension keyword:  MINPIX} tinyint 1 pixels 0  
minImageSize MultiframeDetector VPHASv20170222 Minimum size for images {catalogue extension keyword:  MINPIX} tinyint 1 pixels 0  
minimum phot_variable_time_series_g_fov_statistical_parameters GAIADR1 Minimum magnitude of the G-band time series float 8 mag   phot.mag;stat.min
minMoonDist Multiframe ATLASDR1 Requested minimum angular distance to the moon {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST} real 4 deg -0.9999995e9  
minMoonDist Multiframe ATLASDR2 Requested minimum angular distance to the moon {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST} real 4 deg -0.9999995e9  
minMoonDist Multiframe ATLASDR3 Requested minimum angular distance to the moon {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST} real 4 deg -0.9999995e9  
minMoonDist Multiframe ATLASDR4 Requested minimum angular distance to the moon {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST} real 4 deg -0.9999995e9  
minMoonDist Multiframe ATLASDR5 Requested minimum angular distance to the moon {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST} real 4 deg -0.9999995e9  
minMoonDist Multiframe ATLASv20131127 Requested minimum angular distance to the moon {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST} real 4 deg -0.9999995e9  
minMoonDist Multiframe ATLASv20160425 Requested minimum angular distance to the moon {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST} real 4 deg -0.9999995e9  
minMoonDist Multiframe ATLASv20180209 Requested minimum angular distance to the moon {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST} real 4 deg -0.9999995e9  
minMoonDist Multiframe VPHASDR3 Requested minimum angular distance to the moon {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST} real 4 deg -0.9999995e9  
minMoonDist Multiframe VPHASv20160112 Requested minimum angular distance to the moon {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST} real 4 deg -0.9999995e9  
minMoonDist Multiframe VPHASv20170222 Requested minimum angular distance to the moon {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST} real 4 deg -0.9999995e9  
minor iras_psc IRAS Uncertainty ellipse minor axis smallint 2 arcsec   stat.error
minRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR1 The minimum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
minRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR2 The minimum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
minRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR3 The minimum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
minRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR4 The minimum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
minRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR5 The minimum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
minRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20131127 The minimum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
minRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20160425 The minimum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
minRa CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20180209 The minimum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
minRa CurrentAstrometry VPHASDR3 The minimum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
minRa CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20160112 The minimum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
minRa CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20170222 The minimum RA (J2000) on the device float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra
mjd atlasDetection ATLASDR1 The mean Modified Julian Day of each detection {catalogue TType keyword: MJDoff} float 8 day    
mjd atlasDetection ATLASDR3 The mean Modified Julian Day of each detection {catalogue TType keyword: MJDoff} float 8 day    
mjd atlasDetection ATLASDR4 The mean Modified Julian Day of each detection {catalogue TType keyword: MJDoff} float 8 day    
mjd atlasDetection ATLASDR5 The mean Modified Julian Day of each detection {catalogue TType keyword: MJDoff} float 8 day    
mjd atlasDetection ATLASv20131127 The mean Modified Julian Day of each detection {catalogue TType keyword: MJDoff} float 8 day    
mjd atlasDetection ATLASv20160425 The mean Modified Julian Day of each detection {catalogue TType keyword: MJDoff} float 8 day    
mjd atlasDetection ATLASv20180209 The mean Modified Julian Day of each detection {catalogue TType keyword: MJDoff} float 8 day    
mjd atlasDetection, atlasDetectionUncorr ATLASDR2 The mean Modified Julian Day of each detection {catalogue TType keyword: MJDoff} float 8 day    
mjd vphasDetection VPHASv20160112 The mean Modified Julian Day of each detection {catalogue TType keyword: MJDoff} float 8 day    
mjd vphasDetection VPHASv20170222 The mean Modified Julian Day of each detection {catalogue TType keyword: MJDoff} float 8 day    
mjd vphasDetection, vphasDetectionUncorr VPHASDR3 The mean Modified Julian Day of each detection {catalogue TType keyword: MJDoff} float 8 day    
MJD_FIRST xmm3dr4 XMM The MJD start date (MJD_START) of the earliest observation of any constituent detection of the unique source. float 8      
MJD_LAST xmm3dr4 XMM The MJD end date (MJD_STOP) of the last observation of any constituent detection of the unique source. float 8      
MJD_OBS ravedr5Source RAVE Modfied Julian Date float 8 day   time
MJD_START twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Modified Julian Date (i.e., JD - 2400000.5) of the start of the observation. float 8 days    
MJD_STOP twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Modified Julian Date (i.e., JD - 2400000.5) of the end of the observation. float 8      
mjdEnd Multiframe ATLASDR1 Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdEnd Multiframe ATLASDR2 Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdEnd Multiframe ATLASDR3 Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdEnd Multiframe ATLASDR4 Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdEnd Multiframe ATLASDR5 Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdEnd Multiframe ATLASv20131127 Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdEnd Multiframe ATLASv20160425 Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdEnd Multiframe ATLASv20180209 Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdEnd Multiframe VPHASDR3 Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdEnd Multiframe VPHASv20160112 Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdEnd Multiframe VPHASv20170222 Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdMean MultiframeDetector ATLASDR1 Mean MJD of all images comprising this image {catalogue extension keyword:  MEANMJD} float 8 days -0.9999995e9  
mjdMean MultiframeDetector ATLASDR2 Mean MJD of all images comprising this image {catalogue extension keyword:  MEANMJD} float 8 days -0.9999995e9  
mjdMean MultiframeDetector ATLASDR3 Mean MJD of all images comprising this image {catalogue extension keyword:  MEANMJD} float 8 days -0.9999995e9  
mjdMean MultiframeDetector ATLASDR4 Mean MJD of all images comprising this image {catalogue extension keyword:  MEANMJD} float 8 days -0.9999995e9  
mjdMean MultiframeDetector ATLASDR5 Mean MJD of all images comprising this image {catalogue extension keyword:  MEANMJD} float 8 days -0.9999995e9  
mjdMean MultiframeDetector ATLASv20131127 Mean MJD of all images comprising this image {catalogue extension keyword:  MEANMJD} float 8 days -0.9999995e9  
mjdMean MultiframeDetector ATLASv20160425 Mean MJD of all images comprising this image {catalogue extension keyword:  MEANMJD} float 8 days -0.9999995e9  
mjdMean MultiframeDetector ATLASv20180209 Mean MJD of all images comprising this image {catalogue extension keyword:  MEANMJD} float 8 days -0.9999995e9  
mjdMean MultiframeDetector VPHASDR3 Mean MJD of all images comprising this image {catalogue extension keyword:  MEANMJD} float 8 days -0.9999995e9  
mjdMean MultiframeDetector VPHASv20160112 Mean MJD of all images comprising this image {catalogue extension keyword:  MEANMJD} float 8 days -0.9999995e9  
mjdMean MultiframeDetector VPHASv20170222 Mean MJD of all images comprising this image {catalogue extension keyword:  MEANMJD} float 8 days -0.9999995e9  
mjdObs Multiframe ATLASDR1 Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdObs Multiframe ATLASDR2 Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdObs Multiframe ATLASDR3 Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdObs Multiframe ATLASDR4 Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdObs Multiframe ATLASDR5 Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdObs Multiframe ATLASv20131127 Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdObs Multiframe ATLASv20160425 Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdObs Multiframe ATLASv20180209 Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdObs Multiframe VPHASDR3 Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdObs Multiframe VPHASv20160112 Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
mjdObs Multiframe VPHASv20170222 Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS} float 8   -0.9999995e9 time.epoch
modDate rosat_bsc, rosat_fsc ROSAT date when source properties were changed (MM-DD-YYYY) datetime 8 mm-dd-yyyy   time.epoch
mode_best_classification cepheid GAIADR1 Best mode classification estimate out of {"FUNDAMENTAL", "FIRST_OVERTONE","SECOND_OVERTONE","UNDEFINED","NOT_APPLICABLE"} varchar 16     meta.code.class;src.class
moon_lev allwise_sc WISE Scattered moonlight contamination flag. This is a four-character string, one character per band, in which the value is an integer indicates the fraction of single-exposure frames on which the source was measured that were possibly contaminated by scattered moonlight. The value in each band is given by [ceiling(#frmmoon/#frames*10)], with a maximum value of 9, where #frmmoon is the number of affected frames and #frames is the total number of frames on which the source was measured. varchar 4      
moon_lev wise_allskysc WISE Scattered moonlight contamination flag.
This is a four-character string, one character per band, in which the value is an integer indicates the fraction of single-exposure frames on which the source was measured that were possibly contaminated by scattered moonlight. The value in each band is given by [ceiling(#frmmoon/#frames*10)], with a maximum value of 9, where #frmmoon is the number of affected frames and #frames is the total number of frames on which the source was measured.
char 4      
MORPH_TYPE mgcGalaxyStruct MGC SPD's EYEBALL morphology (1=E/S0, 2=Sabc, 3=Sd/Irr, 4=dE) tinyint 1   0  
morphClassFlag MultiframeDetector ATLASDR1 Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns. {catalogue extension keyword:  CLASSIFD} tinyint 1   0 meta.code
morphClassFlag MultiframeDetector ATLASDR2 Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns. {catalogue extension keyword:  CLASSIFD} tinyint 1   0 meta.code
morphClassFlag MultiframeDetector ATLASDR3 Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns. {catalogue extension keyword:  CLASSIFD} tinyint 1   0 meta.code
morphClassFlag MultiframeDetector ATLASDR4 Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns. {catalogue extension keyword:  CLASSIFD} tinyint 1   0 meta.code
morphClassFlag MultiframeDetector ATLASDR5 Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns. {catalogue extension keyword:  CLASSIFD} tinyint 1   0 meta.code
morphClassFlag MultiframeDetector ATLASv20131127 Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns. {catalogue extension keyword:  CLASSIFD} tinyint 1   0 meta.code
morphClassFlag MultiframeDetector ATLASv20160425 Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns. {catalogue extension keyword:  CLASSIFD} tinyint 1   0 meta.code
morphClassFlag MultiframeDetector ATLASv20180209 Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns. {catalogue extension keyword:  CLASSIFD} tinyint 1   0 meta.code
morphClassFlag MultiframeDetector VPHASDR3 Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns. {catalogue extension keyword:  CLASSIFD} tinyint 1   0 meta.code
morphClassFlag MultiframeDetector VPHASv20160112 Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns. {catalogue extension keyword:  CLASSIFD} tinyint 1   0 meta.code
morphClassFlag MultiframeDetector VPHASv20170222 Image morphological classifier flag, set if the classifier has been run. If so an object classification flag and a stellarness index is included in the binary table columns. {catalogue extension keyword:  CLASSIFD} tinyint 1   0 meta.code
mosaicTool Programme ATLASDR1 Name of mosaicing tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
mosaicTool Programme ATLASDR2 Name of mosaicing tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
mosaicTool Programme ATLASDR3 Name of mosaicing tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
mosaicTool Programme ATLASDR4 Name of mosaicing tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
mosaicTool Programme ATLASDR5 Name of mosaicing tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
mosaicTool Programme ATLASv20131127 Name of mosaicing tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
mosaicTool Programme ATLASv20160425 Name of mosaicing tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
mosaicTool Programme ATLASv20180209 Name of mosaicing tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
mosaicTool Programme VPHASDR3 Name of mosaicing tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
mosaicTool Programme VPHASv20160112 Name of mosaicing tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
mosaicTool Programme VPHASv20170222 Name of mosaicing tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
mp_flg twomass_psc TWOMASS Minor Planet Flag. smallint 2     meta.code
mp_flg twomass_sixx2_psc TWOMASS src is positionally associated with an asteroid, comet, etc smallint 2      
mp_key twomass_xsc TWOMASS key to minor planet prediction DB record. int 4     meta.id
MU_EFF mgcBrightSpec MGC Effective surface brightness real 4 mag arcsec^-2    
muDec vphasSource VPHASDR3 Proper motion in Dec direction real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;pos.pm
muDec vphasSource VPHASv20160112 Proper motion in Dec direction real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;pos.pm
muDec vphasSource VPHASv20170222 Proper motion in Dec direction real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;pos.pm
multiframeID CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR2 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR3 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR4 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR5 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20131127 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20160425 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20180209 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID CurrentAstrometry VPHASDR3 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20160112 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20170222 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID CurrentAstrometry, MultiframeDetector, MultiframeDetectorEsoKeys, MultiframeEsoKeys ATLASDR1 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID EpochFrameStatus ATLASDR4 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID EpochFrameStatus ATLASDR5 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID EpochFrameStatus ATLASv20160425 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID EpochFrameStatus ATLASv20180209 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID EpochFrameStatus VPHASv20160112 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID EpochFrameStatus VPHASv20170222 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID atlasDetection, atlasDetectionUncorr, EpochFrameStatus, PreviousMFDZP, ProgrammeFrame ATLASDR3 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID EpochFrameStatus, vphasDetection, vphasDetectionUncorr VPHASDR3 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID Multiframe ATLASDR1 UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process) bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID Multiframe ATLASDR2 UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process) bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID Multiframe ATLASDR4 UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process) bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID Multiframe ATLASDR5 UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process) bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID Multiframe ATLASv20131127 UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process) bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID Multiframe ATLASv20160425 UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process) bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID Multiframe ATLASv20180209 UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process) bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID Multiframe VPHASDR3 UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process) bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID Multiframe VPHASv20160112 UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process) bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID Multiframe VPHASv20170222 UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process) bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID Multiframe, ProblemFrames ATLASDR3 UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process) bigint 8   -99999999 obs.field
multiframeID Provenance ATLASDR1 the UID of the component frame bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID Provenance ATLASDR2 the UID of the component frame bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID Provenance ATLASDR3 the UID of the component frame bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID Provenance ATLASDR4 the UID of the component frame bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID Provenance ATLASDR5 the UID of the component frame bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID Provenance ATLASv20131127 the UID of the component frame bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID Provenance ATLASv20160425 the UID of the component frame bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID Provenance ATLASv20180209 the UID of the component frame bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID Provenance VPHASDR3 the UID of the component frame bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID Provenance VPHASv20160112 the UID of the component frame bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID Provenance VPHASv20170222 the UID of the component frame bigint 8     obs.field
multiframeID atlasAstrometricInfo ATLASDR4 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8     meta.id;obs.field
multiframeID atlasAstrometricInfo ATLASDR5 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8     meta.id;obs.field
multiframeID atlasAstrometricInfo ATLASv20180209 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8     meta.id;obs.field
multiframeID vphasAstrometricInfo VPHASDR3 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8     meta.id;obs.field
multiframeID vphasAstrometricInfo VPHASv20170222 the UID of the relevant multiframe bigint 8     meta.id;obs.field
muRa vphasSource VPHASDR3 Proper motion in RA direction real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;pos.pm
muRa vphasSource VPHASv20160112 Proper motion in RA direction real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;pos.pm
muRa vphasSource VPHASv20170222 Proper motion in RA direction real 4 mas/yr -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;pos.pm

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
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