TABLE  Multiframe

Contains details of all multiframes stored in the archive.

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (multiframeID)
  • (filterID) references Filter(filterID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
multiframeIDbigint8 UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process)-99999999obs.field
vstRunNoint4 Original VST Atlas run number (from filename)-99999999meta.bib
creationDatedatetime8MM-DD-YYYYFile creation date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) {image primary HDU keyword: DATE}12-31-9999time.epoch
frameType tooltip varchar64 The type of multiframe (eg. stack|tile|mosaic|difference|calibration|interleaved etc).normalmeta.code.class
cuEventIDint4 UID of curation event giving rise to this record-99999999meta.bib
julianDayNumint4Julian daysthe Julian Day number of the VST night-99999999time.epoch
fileTimeStampbigint8 Time stamp digits (from the original CASU directory name and file time stamp) for enforcing uniqueness-99999999??
filterNamevarchar16 VST combined filter name {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 NAME}'NONE'??
filterIDtinyint1 UID of combined filter (assigned in OSA: 1=u,2=g,3=r,4=i,5=z)0meta.code;instr.filter
projectvarchar64 Time-allocation codeNONEmeta.bib
telescopevarchar16 ESO telescope name {image primary HDU keyword: TELESCOP}NONE 
instrumentvarchar8 Instrument name {image primary HDU keyword: INSTRUME}NONE 
arcfilevarchar64 Archive File Name {image primary HDU keyword: ARCFILE}NONE 
bitsPerPixtinyint1 number of bits per data pixel {image primary HDU keyword: BITPIX}0 
utDatedatetime8MM-DD-YYYYUT date when this file was written (MM-DD-YYYY)12-31-9999time.epoch
dateObs link to glossarydatetime8 Observing date {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS}12-31-9999time.epoch
mjdObsfloat8 Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS}-0.9999995e9time.epoch
equinoxreal4yearsStandard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX}-9.999995e+08 
lstreal4secondsLST at start {image primary HDU keyword: LST}-9.999995e+08 
utcreal4secondsUTC at start {image primary HDU keyword: UTC}-9.999995e+08 
raBasereal4hoursRight ascension of base position (J2000) {image primary HDU keyword: RA}-9.999995e+08 
decBasereal4degreesDeclination of base position (J2000) {image primary HDU keyword: DEC}-9.999995e+08 
raDecSysvarchar4 Coordinate reference frame {image primary HDU keyword: RADECSYS}NONE 
expTimereal4secondsTotal integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME}-9.999995e+08 
naxistinyint1 number of data axes {image primary HDU keyword: NAXIS}0 
objectvarchar32 Original target. {image primary HDU keyword: OBJECT}NONE 
observervarchar64 Name of observer. {image primary HDU keyword: OBSERVER}NONE 
numDetectorstinyint1 The number of "detectors" (=image extensions in FITS file)0??
obstypevarchar32 Type (BIAS|DARK|ARC|FLAT|OBJECT|SKY) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO DPR TYPE}NONE 
origfilevarchar32 Original File Name {image primary HDU keyword: ORIGFILE}NONE 
originvarchar16 European Southern Observatory {image primary HDU keyword: ORIGIN}NONE 
picoivarchar64 PI-COI name {image primary HDU keyword: PI-COI}NONE 
previewvvarchar64 Version of previe {image primary HDU keyword: PREVIEWV}NONE 
wfrtypevarchar4 WFR type {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE}NONE 
masktypetinyint1 Mask type {image primary HDU keyword: MASKTYPE}0 
skyAlgorithmvarchar64 Sky estimation algorithm {image primary HDU keyword: SKYALGO}NONE 
amStartreal4 Airmass at start of observation {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START}-0.9999995e9obs.airMass
amEndreal4 Airmass at end of observation {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM END}-0.9999995e9obs.airMass
esoRaMoonfloat8 Right ascension of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA}-0.9999995e9pos.eq.ra;meta.main
esoDecMoonfloat8 Declination of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC}-0.9999995e9pos.eq.dec;meta.main
raMoonfloat8hoursGeocentric J2000 FK5 Mean Right ascension of the Moon-0.9999995e9pos.eq.ra;meta.main
decMoonfloat8degreesGeocentric J2000 FK5 Mean Declination of the Moon-0.9999995e9pos.eq.dec;meta.main
illumMoonfloat8 Illumination of the Moon-0.9999995e9??
raMoonTopofloat8hoursApparent topocentric Right ascension of the Moon (including precession, nutation, and annual aberration)-0.9999995e9pos.eq.ra;meta.main
decMoonTopofloat8degreesApparent topocentric Declination of the Moon (including precession, nutation, and annual aberration)-0.9999995e9pos.eq.dec;meta.main
fileNamevarchar256 the filename for the multiframe, eg. server:/path/'NONE';meta.file
catNamevarchar256 the filename of the associated catalogue MEF, eg. server:/path/filename.fits'NONE';meta.dataset
versionNum link to glossaryreal4 a version number for this frame (if available)
darkIDbigint8 UID of library calibration dark frame {image extension keyword: DARKCOR}-99999999obs.field
confIDbigint8 UID of library calibration confidence frame {image extension keyword: CIR_CPM}-99999999obs.field
flatIDbigint8 UID of library calibration flatfield frame {image extension keyword: FLATSRC}-99999999obs.field
fringeIDbigint8 UID of library calibration fringe frame {image extension keyword: DEFRINGE}-99999999obs.field
biasIDbigint8 UID of library bias frame {image extension keyword: BIASSRC}-99999999obs.field
fringeScalereal4 Fringe frame scale factor {image extension keyword: DEFRINGE}-0.9999995e9??
deprecated link to glossarysmallint2 Code for a current (=0) or deprecated (!=0) multiframe0meta.code
newlyIngestedtinyint1 Curation flag for internal use only (0=no, 1=yes)1??
illumFilevarchar256 File name of CASU created photometric illumination correction used on catalogue data from this fileNONE 
unfilteredIDbigint8 UID of original unfiltered frame corresponding to this filtered frame-99999999obs.field
casuVersvarchar64 CASU Release Version Number {image primary HDU keyword: CASUVERS}
obStatusvarchar32 OB status, can be 'Completed', 'Executed' (which means it has to be repeated) or 'Aborted'. {image primary HDU keyword: OBSTATUS}NONE??
esoGradevarchar4 ESO QC grade: 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constrains and 'R' rejected. {image primary HDU keyword: ESOGRADE}NONE??
mjdEndfloat8 Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END}-0.9999995e9time.epoch
totalExpTimeSumreal4secondsTotal integration time of all exposures {image primary HDU keyword: TEXPSUM}-0.9999995e9 
softAuthvarchar32 Contact for bug reports {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTAUTH}NONE 
softDatevarchar32 CIRDR release date {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTDATE}NONE 
softInstvarchar32 CASU URL {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTINST}NONE 
softVersvarchar32 CIRDR Version {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTVERS}NONE 
reqMaxAirmassreal4 Requested maximum airmass {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS AIRM}-0.9999995e9 
reqMaxSeeingreal4 Requested maximum seeing {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS AMBI FWHM}-0.9999995e9 
reqSkyTransvarchar64 Requested sky transparency {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS AMBI TRANS}NONE 
containerIDbigint8 Scheduling container ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS CONTAINER ID}-99999999 
containerTypevarchar64 Scheduling container type {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS CONTAINER TYPE}NONE 
minMoonDistreal4degRequested minimum angular distance to the moon {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST}-0.9999995e9 
maxMoonFlireal4 Requested maximum fractional lunar illumination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI}-0.9999995e9 
Total length1980