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Glossary of OSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the OSAv20230621 database(s) held in the OSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the OSAv20230621 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
e_Ap35mag_I denisDR3Source DENIS Error in I band mag from 3.5" aperture float 8 mag    
e_Ap35mag_J denisDR3Source DENIS Error in J band mag from 3.5" aperture float 8 mag    
e_Ap35mag_K denisDR3Source DENIS Error in K band mag from 3.5" aperture float 8 mag    
e_Ap45mag_I denisDR3Source DENIS Error in I band mag from 4.5" aperture float 8 mag    
e_Ap45mag_J denisDR3Source DENIS Error in J band mag from 4.5" aperture float 8 mag    
e_Ap45mag_K denisDR3Source DENIS Error in K band mag from 4.5" aperture float 8 mag    
e_Ap55mag_I denisDR3Source DENIS Error in I band mag from 5.5" aperture float 8 mag    
e_Ap55mag_J denisDR3Source DENIS Error in J band mag from 5.5" aperture float 8 mag    
e_Ap55mag_K denisDR3Source DENIS Error in K band mag from 5.5" aperture float 8 mag    
e_Apc15mag_I denisDR3Source DENIS I band mag error in 1.5" corr. aperture float 8 mag    
e_Apc15mag_J denisDR3Source DENIS J band mag error in 1.5" corr. aperture float 8 mag    
e_Apc15mag_K denisDR3Source DENIS K band mag error in 1.5" corr. aperture float 8 mag    
e_Apc25mag_I denisDR3Source DENIS I band mag error in 2.5" corr. aperture float 8 mag    
e_Apc25mag_J denisDR3Source DENIS J band mag error in 2.5" corr. aperture float 8 mag    
e_Apc25mag_K denisDR3Source DENIS K band mag error in 2.5" corr. aperture float 8 mag    
e_Apc35mag_I denisDR3Source DENIS I band mag error in 3.5" corr. aperture float 8 mag    
e_Apc35mag_J denisDR3Source DENIS J band mag error in 3.5" corr. aperture float 8 mag    
e_Apc35mag_K denisDR3Source DENIS K band mag error in 3.5" corr. aperture float 8 mag    
e_b_v hipparcos_new_reduction GAIADR1 Formal error on B-V colour index float 8 mag   em.opt;phot.colour;stat.error
e_bp_min_rp_percentile_lower gaia_source GAIADR2 Lower uncertainty on e_bp_min_rp_val real 4 mag    
e_bp_min_rp_percentile_Upper gaia_source GAIADR2 Upper uncertainty on e_bp_min_rp_val real 4 mag    
e_bp_min_rp_val gaia_source GAIADR2 Line-of-sight reddening E(BP-RP) real 4 mag    
e_bt_mag tycho2 GAIADR1 Standard error on BT real 4 mag   stat.error
e_de_deg tycho2 GAIADR1 Standard error of observed Tycho2 Dec float 8 milliarcsec   stat.error
e_de_m_deg tycho2 GAIADR1 Standard error of mean Tycho2 Dec float 8 milliarcsec   stat.error
e_de_rad hipparcos_new_reduction GAIADR1 Formal error on de_rad float 8 milliarcsec   pos.eq.dec;stat.error
e_DEcs nvssSource NVSS Mean error on Dec real 4 arcsec   stat.error
e_Fitmag_I denisDR3Source DENIS Magnitude error in I band from PSF fit float 8 mag    
e_Fitmag_J denisDR3Source DENIS Magnitude error in J band from PSF fit float 8 mag    
e_Fitmag_K denisDR3Source DENIS Magnitude error in K band from PSF fit float 8 mag    
e_hp_mag hipparcos_new_reduction GAIADR1 Error on mean Hipparcos magnitude float 8 mag   em.opt.V;phot.mag;stat.error
e_majAxis nvssSource NVSS Mean error on majAxis real 4 arcsec   stat.error
e_minAxis nvssSource NVSS Mean error on minAxis real 4 arcsec   stat.error
e_PA nvssSource NVSS Mean error on PA real 4 degrees   stat.error
e_plx hipparcos_new_reduction GAIADR1 Formal error on parallax float 8 milliarcsec   pos.parallax;stat.error
e_pm_de hipparcos_new_reduction GAIADR1 Formal error on pm_de float 8 milliarcsec/year   pos.eq.dec;pos.pm;stat.error
e_pm_de tycho2 GAIADR1 Standard error of Dec proper motion real 4 milliarcsec/year   stat.error
e_pm_ra hipparcos_new_reduction GAIADR1 Formal error on pm_ra float 8 milliarcsec/year   pos.eq.ra;pos.pm;stat.error
e_pm_ra tycho2 GAIADR1 Standard error in RA*cos(Dec) of RA proper motion real 4 milliarcsec/year   stat.error
e_polFlux nvssSource NVSS Mean error on polFlux real 4 mJy   stat.error
e_polPA nvssSource NVSS Mean error on polPA real 4 mJy   stat.error
e_ra_deg tycho2 GAIADR1 Standard error in RA*cos(Dec) of observed Tycho2 RA float 8 milliarcsec   stat.error
e_ra_m_deg tycho2 GAIADR1 Standard error in RA*cos(Dec) of mean Tycho2 RA float 8 milliarcsec   stat.error
e_ra_rad hipparcos_new_reduction GAIADR1 Formal error on ra_rad float 8 milliarcsec   pos.eq.ra;stat.error
e_RAs nvssSource NVSS Mean error on RA real 4 s   stat.error
e_S14 nvssSource NVSS Mean error on S14 real 4 mJy   stat.error
e_score twomass_xsc TWOMASS extended score: 1(extended) < e_score < 2(point-like). real 4     meta.code
e_vt_mag tycho2 GAIADR1 Standard error on VT real 4 mag   stat.error
eBmag_APASSDR9 ravedr5Source RAVE error B magnitude from APASSDR9 real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B
ebmvMed MultiframeDetector ATLASDR1 Median modified E(B-V) {catalogue extension keyword:  EBMVMED} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
ebmvMed MultiframeDetector ATLASDR2 Median modified E(B-V) {catalogue extension keyword:  EBMVMED} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
ebmvMed MultiframeDetector ATLASDR3 Median modified E(B-V) {catalogue extension keyword:  EBMVMED} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
ebmvMed MultiframeDetector ATLASDR4 Median modified E(B-V) {catalogue extension keyword:  EBMVMED} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
ebmvMed MultiframeDetector ATLASDR5 Median modified E(B-V) {catalogue extension keyword:  EBMVMED} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
ebmvMed MultiframeDetector ATLASv20131127 Median modified E(B-V) {catalogue extension keyword:  EBMVMED} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
ebmvMed MultiframeDetector ATLASv20160425 Median modified E(B-V) {catalogue extension keyword:  EBMVMED} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
ebmvMed MultiframeDetector ATLASv20180209 Median modified E(B-V) {catalogue extension keyword:  EBMVMED} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
ebmvMed MultiframeDetector VPHASDR3 Median modified E(B-V) {catalogue extension keyword:  EBMVMED} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
ebmvMed MultiframeDetector VPHASv20160112 Median modified E(B-V) {catalogue extension keyword:  EBMVMED} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
ebmvMed MultiframeDetector VPHASv20170222 Median modified E(B-V) {catalogue extension keyword:  EBMVMED} real 4   -0.9999995e9  
eBTmag_TYCHO2 ravedr5Source RAVE Error of BT magnitude from TYCHO2 real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B
eBV atlasSource ATLASDR1 The galactic dust extinction value measured from the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) maps. This uses the correction given in Bonifacio, Monai & Beers (2000). This correction reduces the extinction value in regions of high extinction (E(B-V)>0.1) real 4   -0.9999995e9  
eBV atlasSource ATLASDR2 The galactic dust extinction value measured from the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) maps. This uses the correction given in Bonifacio, Monai & Beers (2000). This correction reduces the extinction value in regions of high extinction (E(B-V)>0.1) real 4   -0.9999995e9  
eBV atlasSource ATLASDR3 The galactic dust extinction value measured from the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) maps. This uses the correction given in Bonifacio, Monai & Beers (2000). This correction reduces the extinction value in regions of high extinction (E(B-V)>0.1) real 4   -0.9999995e9 phys.absorption.gal
eBV atlasSource ATLASDR4 The galactic dust extinction value measured from the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) maps. This uses the correction given in Bonifacio, Monai & Beers (2000). This correction reduces the extinction value in regions of high extinction (E(B-V)>0.1) real 4   -0.9999995e9 phys.absorption.gal
eBV atlasSource ATLASDR5 The galactic dust extinction value measured from the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) maps. This uses the correction given in Bonifacio, Monai & Beers (2000). This correction reduces the extinction value in regions of high extinction (E(B-V)>0.1) real 4   -0.9999995e9 phys.absorption.gal
eBV atlasSource ATLASv20131127 The galactic dust extinction value measured from the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) maps. This uses the correction given in Bonifacio, Monai & Beers (2000). This correction reduces the extinction value in regions of high extinction (E(B-V)>0.1) real 4   -0.9999995e9  
eBV atlasSource ATLASv20160425 The galactic dust extinction value measured from the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) maps. This uses the correction given in Bonifacio, Monai & Beers (2000). This correction reduces the extinction value in regions of high extinction (E(B-V)>0.1) real 4   -0.9999995e9 phys.absorption.gal
eBV atlasSource ATLASv20180209 The galactic dust extinction value measured from the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) maps. This uses the correction given in Bonifacio, Monai & Beers (2000). This correction reduces the extinction value in regions of high extinction (E(B-V)>0.1) real 4   -0.9999995e9 phys.absorption.gal
ebv twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ The Galactic dust extinction value measured from the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) maps. {image primary HDU keyword: EBV} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 phys.absorption.gal
ecl_lat gaia_source GAIADR2 Ecliptic latitude float 8 degrees   pos.ecliptic.lat
ecl_lat gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Ecliptic latitude float 8 degrees   pos.ecliptic.lat
ecl_lon gaia_source GAIADR2 Ecliptic longitude float 8 degrees   pos.ecliptic.lon
ecl_lon gaia_source, tgas_source GAIADR1 Ecliptic longitude float 8 degrees   pos.ecliptic.lon
ecliptic_lat igsl_source GAIADR1 Ecliptic latitude real 4 degrees   pos.ecliptic.lat
ecliptic_lon igsl_source GAIADR1 Ecliptic longitude real 4 degrees   pos.ecliptic.lon
edistance ravedr5Source RAVE Error of spectrophotometric Distance (Binney et al. 2014) real 4 pc   pos.distance
eDistanceModulus_Binney ravedr5Source RAVE Error of distance Modulus from Binney et al. 2014 real 4 mag   phot.mag.distMod
eFlag rosat_bsc, rosat_fsc ROSAT source extended beyond SASS extraction radius varchar 1     meta.code
egpmag_APASSDR9 ravedr5Source RAVE g' magnitude from APASSDR9 real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
eHmag_2MASS ravedr5Source RAVE error 2MASS H magnitude real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H
eHRV ravedr5Source RAVE Error of Heliocentric radial velocity stat.error real 4 km/s   stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric
eImag_DENIS ravedr5Source RAVE error DENIS I magnitude real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I
eipmag_APASSDR9 ravedr5Source RAVE i' magnitude from APASSDR9 real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
eJmag_2MASS ravedr5Source RAVE error 2MASS J magnitude real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J
eJmag_DENIS ravedr5Source RAVE error DENIS J magnitude real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J
eKmag_2MASS ravedr5Source RAVE error 2MASS K magnitude real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K
eKmag_DENIS ravedr5Source RAVE error DENIS K magnitude real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K
elat allwise_sc WISE Ecliptic latitude computed from the non-moving source fit equatorial position. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. float 8 deg    
elat catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE ecliptic latitude float 8 deg    
elat wise_allskysc WISE Ecliptic latitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. float 8 degrees    
elat wise_prelimsc WISE Ecliptic latitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference float 8 degrees    
elat_avg catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE averaged ecliptic latitude float 8 deg    
elatSig catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE one-sigma uncertainty in elat real 4 arcsec    
ell atlasDetection ATLASDR1 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes {catalogue TType keyword: Ellipticity} real 4     src.ellipticity
ell atlasDetection ATLASDR3 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes {catalogue TType keyword: Ellipticity} real 4     src.ellipticity
ell atlasDetection ATLASDR4 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes {catalogue TType keyword: Ellipticity} real 4     src.ellipticity
ell atlasDetection ATLASDR5 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes {catalogue TType keyword: Ellipticity} real 4     src.ellipticity
ell atlasDetection ATLASv20131127 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes {catalogue TType keyword: Ellipticity} real 4     src.ellipticity
ell atlasDetection ATLASv20160425 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes {catalogue TType keyword: Ellipticity} real 4     src.ellipticity
ell atlasDetection ATLASv20180209 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes {catalogue TType keyword: Ellipticity} real 4     src.ellipticity
ell atlasDetection, atlasDetectionUncorr ATLASDR2 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes {catalogue TType keyword: Ellipticity} real 4     src.ellipticity
ell vphasDetection VPHASv20160112 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes {catalogue TType keyword: Ellipticity} real 4     src.ellipticity
ell vphasDetection VPHASv20170222 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes {catalogue TType keyword: Ellipticity} real 4     src.ellipticity
ell vphasDetection, vphasDetectionUncorr VPHASDR3 1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes {catalogue TType keyword: Ellipticity} real 4     src.ellipticity
ellfit_flg twomass_xsc TWOMASS ellipse fitting contamination flag. smallint 2     meta.code
ELLIPTICITY mgcDetection MGC 1 - B_IMAGE/A_IMAGE real 4      
elog_Av ravedr5Source RAVE Error of log_10(Av) optical extinction, see p4 ff, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1-8 (2012) real 4     stat.error;phys.absorption
elogg_K ravedr5Source RAVE Log gravity (Note 2, DR5) float 8 dex   phys.gravity
elon allwise_sc WISE Ecliptic longitude computed from the non-moving source fit equatorial position. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. float 8 deg    
elon catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE ecliptic longitude float 8 deg    
elon wise_allskysc WISE Ecliptic longitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. float 8 degrees    
elon wise_prelimsc WISE Ecliptic longitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference float 8 degrees    
elon_avg catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE averaged ecliptic longitude float 8 deg    
elonSig catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE one-sigma uncertainty in elon real 4 arcsec    
eMet_K ravedr5Source RAVE Error of [m/H] float 8 dex   phys.abund.Z
endDate AstrCalVers ATLASDR1 MJD of the end time for this version of the calibration float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
endDate AstrCalVers ATLASDR2 MJD of the end time for this version of the calibration float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
endDate AstrCalVers ATLASDR3 MJD of the end time for this version of the calibration float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
endDate AstrCalVers ATLASDR4 MJD of the end time for this version of the calibration float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
endDate AstrCalVers ATLASDR5 MJD of the end time for this version of the calibration float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
endDate AstrCalVers ATLASv20131127 MJD of the end time for this version of the calibration float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
endDate AstrCalVers ATLASv20160425 MJD of the end time for this version of the calibration float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
endDate AstrCalVers ATLASv20180209 MJD of the end time for this version of the calibration float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
endDate AstrCalVers VPHASDR3 MJD of the end time for this version of the calibration float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
endDate AstrCalVers VPHASv20160112 MJD of the end time for this version of the calibration float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
endDate AstrCalVers VPHASv20170222 MJD of the end time for this version of the calibration float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
endDate PhotCalVers ATLASDR1 Date time of end time for this version of the calibration (MM-DD-YYYY) datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
endDate PhotCalVers ATLASDR2 Date time of end time for this version of the calibration (MM-DD-YYYY) datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
endDate PhotCalVers ATLASDR3 Date time of end time for this version of the calibration (MM-DD-YYYY) datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
endDate PhotCalVers ATLASDR4 Date time of end time for this version of the calibration (MM-DD-YYYY) datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
endDate PhotCalVers ATLASDR5 Date time of end time for this version of the calibration (MM-DD-YYYY) datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
endDate PhotCalVers ATLASv20131127 Date time of end time for this version of the calibration (MM-DD-YYYY) datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
endDate PhotCalVers ATLASv20160425 Date time of end time for this version of the calibration (MM-DD-YYYY) datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
endDate PhotCalVers ATLASv20180209 Date time of end time for this version of the calibration (MM-DD-YYYY) datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
endDate PhotCalVers VPHASDR3 Date time of end time for this version of the calibration (MM-DD-YYYY) datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
endDate PhotCalVers VPHASv20160112 Date time of end time for this version of the calibration (MM-DD-YYYY) datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
endDate PhotCalVers VPHASv20170222 Date time of end time for this version of the calibration (MM-DD-YYYY) datetime 8 MM-DD-YYYY 12-31-9999 time.epoch
EP_1_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 1 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_1_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 1 flux error
EP_1_FLUX_ERR = SQRT ( 1.0 / SUM ( 1 / ca_1_FLUX_ERR2 )), where ca = PN, M1, M2
real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_2_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 2 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_2_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 2 flux error
EP_2_FLUX_ERR = SQRT ( 1.0 / SUM ( 1 / ca_2_FLUX_ERR2 )), where ca = PN, M1, M2
real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_3_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 3 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_3_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 3 flux error
EP_3_FLUX_ERR = SQRT ( 1.0 / SUM ( 1 / ca_3_FLUX_ERR2 )), where ca = PN, M1, M2
real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_4_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 4 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_4_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 4 flux error
EP_4_FLUX_ERR = SQRT ( 1.0 / SUM ( 1 / ca_4_FLUX_ERR2 )), where ca = PN, M1, M2
real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_5_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 5 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_5_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 5 flux error
EP_5_FLUX_ERR = SQRT ( 1.0 / SUM ( 1 / ca_5_FLUX_ERR2 )), where ca = PN, M1, M2
real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_8_CTS twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Combined band source counts real 4 counts    
EP_8_CTS_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM Combined band source counts 1 σ error real 4 counts    
EP_8_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 8 Maximum likelihood real 4      
EP_8_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 8 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_8_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 8 flux error
EP_8_FLUX_ERR = SQRT ( 1.0 / SUM ( 1 / ca_8_FLUX_ERR2 )), where ca = PN, M1, M2
real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_8_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 8 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
EP_8_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 8 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
EP_9_DET_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 9 Maximum likelihood real 4      
EP_9_FLUX twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 9 flux real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_9_FLUX_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 9 flux error
EP_9_FLUX_ERR = SQRT ( 1.0 / SUM ( 1 / ca_9_FLUX_ERR2 )), where ca = PN, M1, M2
real 4 erg/cm**2/s    
EP_9_RATE twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 9 Count rates real 4 counts/s    
EP_9_RATE_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM EP band 9 Count rates error real 4 counts/s    
EP_CHI2PROB twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM The Chi² probability (based on the null hypothesis) that the source as detected by any of the cameras, is constant. The minimum value of the available camera probabilities (PN_CHI2PROB, M1_CHI2PROB, M2_CHI2PROB) is given. real 4      
EP_CHI2PROB xmm3dr4 XMM The Chi² probability (based on the null hypothesis) that the source as detected by any of the cameras, is constant. The minimum value of the available camera probabilities (PN_CHI2PROB, M1_CHI2PROB, M2_CHI2PROB) is given. float 8      
ep_de1990 tycho2 GAIADR1 Epoch - 1990 of de_deg real 4 years   time.epoch
ep_de_m tycho2 GAIADR1 Mean epoch of dec (Julian years) real 4 years   time.epoch
EP_DIST_NN twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM The distance to the nearest neighbouring detection.
An internal threshold of 6 arseconds (before positional fitting) is used for splitting a source into two.
real 4 arcsec    
EP_EXTENT twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The Extent radius of a source detected as extended. real 4 arcsec    
EP_EXTENT_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The Extent error of a source detected as extended. real 4 arcsec    
EP_EXTENT_ML twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The extent likelihood is the likelihood of the detection being extended as given by P = - ln (EXTENT_ML) , where P is the probability the extent occurring by chance. real 4      
EP_FLAG twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0 XMM EPIC flag string made of the flags 1 - 12 (counted from left to right), where flag 10 is not used: it combines the PN, M1, and M2 flags, that is, a flag is set in EP_FLAG if at least one of the camera-dependent flags is set. varchar 12      
EP_FLAG xmm3dr4 XMM EPIC flag string made of the flags 1 - 12 (counted from left to right), where flag 10 is not used: it combines the PN, M1, and M2 flags, that is, a flag is set in EP_FLAG if at least one of the camera-dependent flags is set. varchar 50      
EP_HR1 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The EP hardness ratio between the bands 1 & 2
In the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively.
real 4      
EP_HR1_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The 1 σ error of the EP hardness ratio between the bands 1 & 2 real 4      
EP_HR2 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The EP hardness ratio between the bands 2 & 3
In the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively.
real 4      
EP_HR2_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The 1 σ error of the EP hardness ratio between the bands 2 & 3 real 4      
EP_HR3 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The EP hardness ratio between the bands 3 & 4
In the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively.
real 4      
EP_HR3_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The 1 σ error of the EP hardness ratio between the bands 3 & 4 real 4      
EP_HR4 twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The EP hardness ratio between the bands 4 & 5
In the case where the rate in one band is 0.0 (i.e., too faint to be detected in this band) the hardness ratio will be -1 or +1 which is only a lower or upper limit, respectively.
real 4      
EP_HR4_ERR twoxmm, twoxmm_v1_2, twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The 1 σ error of the EP hardness ratio between the bands 4 & 5 real 4      
EP_OFFAX twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The EP offaxis angle (the distance between the detection position and the onaxis position on the respective detector).
The offaxis angle for a camera can be larger than 15 arcminutes when the detection is located outside the FOV of that camera.
real 4 arcmin    
EP_ONTIME twoxmmi_dr3_v1_0, xmm3dr4 XMM The EP ontime value (the total good exposure time (after GTI filtering) of the CCD where the detection is positioned).
If a source position falls into CCD gaps or outside of the detector it will have a NULL given.
real 4 s    
ep_ra1990 tycho2 GAIADR1 Epoch - 1990 of ra_deg real 4 years   time.epoch
ep_ra_m tycho2 GAIADR1 Mean epoch of ra (Julian years) real 4 years   time.epoch
eparallax ravedr5Source RAVE Error of spectrophotometric Parallax (Binney et al. 2014) real 4 mas   stat.error;pos.parallax
epmDE_PPMXL ravedr5Source RAVE Proper Motion error (Declination) real 4 mas/yr   stat.error;pos.pm;pos.eq.dec
epmDE_TYCHO2 ravedr5Source RAVE Proper Motion error (Declination) real 4 mas/yr   stat.error;pos.pm;pos.eq.dec
epmDE_UCAC4 ravedr5Source RAVE Proper Motion error (Declination) real 4 mas/yr   stat.error;pos.pm;pos.eq.dec
epmDE_USNOB1 ravedr5Source RAVE Proper Motion error (Declination) real 4 mas/yr   stat.error;pos.pm;pos.eq.dec
epmRA_PPMXL ravedr5Source RAVE Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) real 4 mas/yr   stat.error;pos.pm;pos.eq.ra
epmRA_TYCHO2 ravedr5Source RAVE Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) real 4 mas/yr   stat.error;pos.pm;pos.eq.ra
epmRA_UCAC4 ravedr5Source RAVE Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) real 4 mas/yr   stat.error;pos.pm.pos.eq.ra
epmRA_USNOB1 ravedr5Source RAVE Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) real 4 mas/yr   stat.error;pos.pm;pos.eq.ra
Epoch denisDR3Source DENIS Epoch of USNOA2.0 nearest match float 8 yr    
epoch RequiredMergeLogMultiEpoch ATLASDR3 Epoch number in MergeLog table tinyint 1      
epoch RequiredMergeLogMultiEpoch ATLASDR4 Epoch number in MergeLog table tinyint 1      
epoch RequiredMergeLogMultiEpoch ATLASDR5 Epoch number in MergeLog table tinyint 1      
epoch RequiredMergeLogMultiEpoch ATLASv20160425 Epoch number in MergeLog table tinyint 1      
epoch RequiredMergeLogMultiEpoch ATLASv20180209 Epoch number in MergeLog table tinyint 1      
epoch RequiredMergeLogMultiEpoch VPHASDR3 Epoch number in MergeLog table tinyint 1      
epoch RequiredMergeLogMultiEpoch VPHASv20160112 Epoch number in MergeLog table tinyint 1      
epoch RequiredMergeLogMultiEpoch VPHASv20170222 Epoch number in MergeLog table tinyint 1      
epoch ukirtFSstars ATLASDR1 The epoch of columns ra and dec real 4 years -0.9999995e9  
epoch ukirtFSstars ATLASDR2 The epoch of columns ra and dec real 4 years -0.9999995e9  
epoch ukirtFSstars ATLASDR3 The epoch of columns ra and dec real 4 years -0.9999995e9  
epoch ukirtFSstars ATLASDR4 The epoch of columns ra and dec real 4 years -0.9999995e9  
epoch ukirtFSstars ATLASDR5 The epoch of columns ra and dec real 4 years -0.9999995e9  
epoch ukirtFSstars ATLASv20131127 The epoch of columns ra and dec real 4 years -0.9999995e9  
epoch ukirtFSstars ATLASv20160425 The epoch of columns ra and dec real 4 years -0.9999995e9  
epoch ukirtFSstars ATLASv20180209 The epoch of columns ra and dec real 4 years -0.9999995e9  
epoch ukirtFSstars VPHASDR3 The epoch of columns ra and dec real 4 years -0.9999995e9  
epoch ukirtFSstars VPHASv20160112 The epoch of columns ra and dec real 4 years -0.9999995e9  
epoch ukirtFSstars VPHASv20170222 The epoch of columns ra and dec real 4 years -0.9999995e9  
epoch vphasSource VPHASDR3 Epoch of position measurement float 8 Years   time.epoch
epoch vphasSource VPHASv20160112 Epoch of position measurement float 8 Years   time.epoch
epoch vphasSource VPHASv20170222 Epoch of position measurement float 8 Years   time.epoch
epoch_g cepheid, rrlyrae GAIADR1 Epoch of the maximum of the light curve in the G band float 8 Barycentric JD in TCB - 2455197.5 days   time.epoch;stat.max
epoch_g_error cepheid, rrlyrae GAIADR1 Uncertainty on epoch of the maximum of the light curve in the G band float 8 days   stat.error;time.epoch
epochFrameType Programme ATLASDR1 The frame type to be used for each epoch (stack, tile) varchar 16   NONE  
epochFrameType Programme ATLASDR2 The frame type to be used for each epoch (stack, tile) varchar 16   NONE  
epochFrameType Programme ATLASDR3 The frame type to be used for each epoch (stack, tile) varchar 16   NONE  
epochFrameType Programme ATLASDR4 The frame type to be used for each epoch (stack, tile) varchar 16   NONE  
epochFrameType Programme ATLASDR5 The frame type to be used for each epoch (stack, tile) varchar 16   NONE  
epochFrameType Programme ATLASv20131127 The frame type to be used for each epoch (stack, tile) varchar 16   NONE  
epochFrameType Programme ATLASv20160425 The frame type to be used for each epoch (stack, tile) varchar 16   NONE  
epochFrameType Programme ATLASv20180209 The frame type to be used for each epoch (stack, tile) varchar 16   NONE  
epochFrameType Programme VPHASDR3 The frame type to be used for each epoch (stack, tile) varchar 16   NONE  
epochFrameType Programme VPHASv20160112 The frame type to be used for each epoch (stack, tile) varchar 16   NONE  
epochFrameType Programme VPHASv20170222 The frame type to be used for each epoch (stack, tile) varchar 16   NONE  
epochTolerance Programme ATLASDR3 Minimum separation of epochs for proper motion calculation real 4 days -0.9999995e9 ??
epochTolerance Programme ATLASDR4 Minimum separation of epochs for proper motion calculation real 4 days -0.9999995e9 ??
epochTolerance Programme ATLASDR5 Minimum separation of epochs for proper motion calculation real 4 days -0.9999995e9 ??
epochTolerance Programme ATLASv20160425 Minimum separation of epochs for proper motion calculation real 4 days -0.9999995e9 ??
epochTolerance Programme ATLASv20180209 Minimum separation of epochs for proper motion calculation real 4 days -0.9999995e9 ??
epochTolerance Programme VPHASDR3 Minimum separation of epochs for proper motion calculation real 4 days -0.9999995e9 ??
epochTolerance Programme VPHASv20160112 Minimum separation of epochs for proper motion calculation real 4 days -0.9999995e9 ??
epochTolerance Programme VPHASv20170222 Minimum separation of epochs for proper motion calculation real 4 days -0.9999995e9 ??
equinox Multiframe ATLASDR1 Standard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX} real 4 years -9.999995e+08  
equinox Multiframe ATLASDR2 Standard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX} real 4 years -9.999995e+08  
equinox Multiframe ATLASDR3 Standard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX} real 4 years -9.999995e+08  
equinox Multiframe ATLASDR4 Standard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX} real 4 years -9.999995e+08  
equinox Multiframe ATLASDR5 Standard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX} real 4 years -9.999995e+08  
equinox Multiframe ATLASv20131127 Standard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX} real 4 years -9.999995e+08  
equinox Multiframe ATLASv20160425 Standard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX} real 4 years -9.999995e+08  
equinox Multiframe ATLASv20180209 Standard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX} real 4 years -9.999995e+08  
equinox Multiframe VPHASDR3 Standard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX} real 4 years -9.999995e+08  
equinox Multiframe VPHASv20160112 Standard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX} real 4 years -9.999995e+08  
equinox Multiframe VPHASv20170222 Standard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX} real 4 years -9.999995e+08  
erpmag_APASSDR9 ravedr5Source RAVE r' magnitude from APASSDR9 real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
err_ang twomass_psc TWOMASS Position angle on the sky of the semi-major axis of the position uncertainty ellipse (East of North) smallint 2 degrees   pos.posAng
err_ang twomass_sixx2_psc TWOMASS angle of error ellipse major axis (E of N) smallint 2 deg    
err_maj twomass_psc TWOMASS Semi-major axis length of the one sigma position uncertainty ellipse real 4 arcsec   phys.angSize;src
err_maj twomass_sixx2_psc TWOMASS major axis of 1-sigma error ellipse real 4 arcsec    
err_min twomass_psc TWOMASS Semi-minor axis length of the one sigma position uncertainty ellipse real 4 arcsec   phys.angSize;src
err_min twomass_sixx2_psc TWOMASS minor axis of 1-sigma error ellipse real 4 arcsec    
ERRA_IMAGE mgcDetection MGC Position error along major axis real 4 pixel    
ERRB_IMAGE mgcDetection MGC Position error along minor axis real 4 pixel    
errBits atlasDetection ATLASDR1 processing warning/error bitwise flags {catalogue TType keyword: Error_bit_flag} int 4     meta.code
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
errBits atlasDetection ATLASDR3 processing warning/error bitwise flags {catalogue TType keyword: Error_bit_flag} int 4     meta.code
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
errBits atlasDetection ATLASDR4 processing warning/error bitwise flags {catalogue TType keyword: Error_bit_flag} int 4     meta.code
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
errBits atlasDetection ATLASDR5 processing warning/error bitwise flags {catalogue TType keyword: Error_bit_flag} int 4     meta.code
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
errBits atlasDetection ATLASv20131127 processing warning/error bitwise flags {catalogue TType keyword: Error_bit_flag} int 4     meta.code
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
errBits atlasDetection ATLASv20160425 processing warning/error bitwise flags {catalogue TType keyword: Error_bit_flag} int 4     meta.code
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
errBits atlasDetection ATLASv20180209 processing warning/error bitwise flags {catalogue TType keyword: Error_bit_flag} int 4     meta.code
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
errBits atlasDetection, atlasDetectionUncorr ATLASDR2 processing warning/error bitwise flags {catalogue TType keyword: Error_bit_flag} int 4     meta.code
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
errBits vphasDetection VPHASv20160112 processing warning/error bitwise flags {catalogue TType keyword: Error_bit_flag} int 4     meta.code
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
errBits vphasDetection VPHASv20170222 processing warning/error bitwise flags {catalogue TType keyword: Error_bit_flag} int 4     meta.code
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
errBits vphasDetection, vphasDetectionUncorr VPHASDR3 processing warning/error bitwise flags {catalogue TType keyword: Error_bit_flag} int 4     meta.code
Apparently not actually an error bit flag, but a count of the number of zero confidence pixels in the default (2 arcsec diameter) aperture.
errHr1 rosat_bsc, rosat_fsc ROSAT error of hardness ratio 1 float 8     stat.error
errHr2 rosat_bsc, rosat_fsc ROSAT error of hardness ratio 2 float 8     stat.error
errP rosat_bsc ROSAT total positional error (1-sigma-radius; including 6" systematic error) tinyint 1 arcsec   stat.error
errP rosat_fsc ROSAT total positional error (1-sigma-radius; including 6" systematic error) smallint 2 arcsec   stat.error
errSrcCps rosat_bsc, rosat_fsc ROSAT error of source countrate, vignetting corrected real 4 counts/s   stat.error
esoDecMoon Multiframe ATLASDR1 Declination of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
esoDecMoon Multiframe ATLASDR2 Declination of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
esoDecMoon Multiframe ATLASDR3 Declination of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
esoDecMoon Multiframe ATLASDR4 Declination of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
esoDecMoon Multiframe ATLASDR5 Declination of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
esoDecMoon Multiframe ATLASv20131127 Declination of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
esoDecMoon Multiframe ATLASv20160425 Declination of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
esoDecMoon Multiframe ATLASv20180209 Declination of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
esoDecMoon Multiframe VPHASDR3 Declination of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
esoDecMoon Multiframe VPHASv20160112 Declination of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
esoDecMoon Multiframe VPHASv20170222 Declination of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
esoGrade Multiframe ATLASDR1 ESO QC grade: 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constrains and 'R' rejected. {image primary HDU keyword: ESOGRADE} varchar 4   NONE ??
esoGrade Multiframe ATLASDR2 ESO QC grade: 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constrains and 'R' rejected. {image primary HDU keyword: ESOGRADE} varchar 4   NONE ??
esoGrade Multiframe ATLASDR3 ESO QC grade: 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constrains and 'R' rejected. {image primary HDU keyword: ESOGRADE} varchar 4   NONE ??
esoGrade Multiframe ATLASDR4 ESO QC grade: 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constrains and 'R' rejected. {image primary HDU keyword: ESOGRADE} varchar 4   NONE ??
esoGrade Multiframe ATLASDR5 ESO QC grade: 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constrains and 'R' rejected. {image primary HDU keyword: ESOGRADE} varchar 4   NONE ??
esoGrade Multiframe ATLASv20131127 ESO QC grade: 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constrains and 'R' rejected. {image primary HDU keyword: ESOGRADE} varchar 4   NONE ??
esoGrade Multiframe ATLASv20160425 ESO QC grade: 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constrains and 'R' rejected. {image primary HDU keyword: ESOGRADE} varchar 4   NONE ??
esoGrade Multiframe ATLASv20180209 ESO QC grade: 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constrains and 'R' rejected. {image primary HDU keyword: ESOGRADE} varchar 4   NONE ??
esoGrade Multiframe VPHASDR3 ESO QC grade: 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constrains and 'R' rejected. {image primary HDU keyword: ESOGRADE} varchar 4   NONE ??
esoGrade Multiframe VPHASv20160112 ESO QC grade: 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constrains and 'R' rejected. {image primary HDU keyword: ESOGRADE} varchar 4   NONE ??
esoGrade Multiframe VPHASv20170222 ESO QC grade: 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constrains and 'R' rejected. {image primary HDU keyword: ESOGRADE} varchar 4   NONE ??
esoRaMoon Multiframe ATLASDR1 Right ascension of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
esoRaMoon Multiframe ATLASDR2 Right ascension of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
esoRaMoon Multiframe ATLASDR3 Right ascension of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
esoRaMoon Multiframe ATLASDR4 Right ascension of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
esoRaMoon Multiframe ATLASDR5 Right ascension of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
esoRaMoon Multiframe ATLASv20131127 Right ascension of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
esoRaMoon Multiframe ATLASv20160425 Right ascension of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
esoRaMoon Multiframe ATLASv20180209 Right ascension of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
esoRaMoon Multiframe VPHASDR3 Right ascension of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
esoRaMoon Multiframe VPHASv20160112 Right ascension of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
esoRaMoon Multiframe VPHASv20170222 Right ascension of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA} float 8   -0.9999995e9 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
eta CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR1 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 of device centre float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos
eta CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR2 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 of device centre float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos
eta CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR3 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 of device centre float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos
eta CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR4 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 of device centre float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos
eta CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR5 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 of device centre float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos
eta CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20131127 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 of device centre float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos
eta CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20160425 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 of device centre float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos
eta CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20180209 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 of device centre float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos
eta CurrentAstrometry VPHASDR3 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 of device centre float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos
eta CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20160112 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 of device centre float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos
eta CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20170222 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 of device centre float 8 Degrees -0.9999995e9 pos
eta atlasDetection ATLASDR3 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 float 8 Degrees   pos
eta atlasDetection ATLASDR4 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 float 8 Degrees   pos
eta atlasDetection ATLASDR5 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 float 8 Degrees   pos
eta atlasDetection ATLASv20131127 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 float 8 Degrees   pos
eta atlasDetection ATLASv20160425 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 float 8 Degrees   pos
eta atlasDetection ATLASv20180209 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 float 8 Degrees   pos
eta atlasDetection, atlasDetectionUncorr ATLASDR2 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 float 8 Degrees   pos
eta atlasDetection, atlasSource ATLASDR1 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 float 8 Degrees   pos
eta vphasDetection VPHASv20160112 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 float 8 Degrees   pos
eta vphasDetection VPHASv20170222 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 float 8 Degrees   pos
eta vphasDetection, vphasDetectionUncorr, vphasSource VPHASDR3 SDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2 float 8 Degrees   pos
ETA_TYPE mgcGalaxyStruct MGC 2dFGRS Eta type real 4   -99.9  
eTeff_IR ravedr5Source RAVE Error of effective temperature from infrared flux method real 4 K   stat.error;phys.temperature.effective
eTeff_K ravedr5Source RAVE Effective Temperature error float 8 K   stat.error;phys.temperature.effective
eVmag_APASSDR9 ravedr5Source RAVE error V magnitude from APASSDR9 real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V
eVTmag_TYCHO2 ravedr5Source RAVE Error of VT magnitude from TYCHO2 real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V
eW1mag_ALLWISE ravedr5Source RAVE Error W1 magnitude from ALLWISE real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
eW2mag_ALLWISE ravedr5Source RAVE Error W2 magnitude from ALLWISE real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
eW3mag_ALLWISE ravedr5Source RAVE Error W3 magnitude from ALLWISE real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
eW4mag_ALLWISE ravedr5Source RAVE Error W4 magnitude from ALLWISE real 4 mag   stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
expTime Multiframe ATLASDR1 Total integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME} real 4 seconds -9.999995e+08  
expTime Multiframe ATLASDR2 Total integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME} real 4 seconds -9.999995e+08  
expTime Multiframe ATLASDR3 Total integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME} real 4 seconds -9.999995e+08  
expTime Multiframe ATLASDR4 Total integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME} real 4 seconds -9.999995e+08  
expTime Multiframe ATLASDR5 Total integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME} real 4 seconds -9.999995e+08  
expTime Multiframe ATLASv20131127 Total integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME} real 4 seconds -9.999995e+08  
expTime Multiframe ATLASv20160425 Total integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME} real 4 seconds -9.999995e+08  
expTime Multiframe ATLASv20180209 Total integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME} real 4 seconds -9.999995e+08  
expTime Multiframe VPHASDR3 Total integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME} real 4 seconds -9.999995e+08  
expTime Multiframe VPHASv20160112 Total integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME} real 4 seconds -9.999995e+08  
expTime Multiframe VPHASv20170222 Total integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME} real 4 seconds -9.999995e+08  
expTime rosat_bsc ROSAT exposure time smallint 2 sec   time.duration;obs.exposure
expTime rosat_fsc ROSAT exposure time int 4 sec   time.duration;obs.exposure
ext rosat_bsc, rosat_fsc ROSAT source extent smallint 2 arcsec   phys.angSize
ext_cat_solution_type gaia_hip_tycho2_match GAIADR1 Type of solution in the Hipparcos/Tycho2 catalogue varchar 1     meta.code
ext_flg allwise_sc WISE Extended source flag. This is an integer flag, the value of which indicates whether or not the morphology of a source is consistent with the WISE point spread function in any band, or whether the source is associated with or superimposed on a previously known extended object from the 2MASS Extended Source Catalog (XSC). CAUTION: WISE profile-fit (w?mpro) and standard aperture (w?mag) measurements are optimized for point sources and will systematically underestimate the true flux of resolved objects. If a source entry has ext_flg>0, you may wish to examine the large aperture photometry, or the elliptical aperture photometry which are measured using areas that are scaled from 2MASS XSC morphologies. int 4      
The values of the ext_flg indicate the following conditions:
  • 0 - The source shape is consistent with a point-source and the source is not associated with or superimposed on a 2MASS XSC source
  • 1 - The profile-fit photometry goodness-of-fit, w?rchi2, is >3.0 in one or more bands.
  • 2 - The source falls within the extrapolated isophotal footprint of a 2MASS XSC source.
  • 3 - The profile-fit photometry goodness-of-fit,w?rchi2, is >3.0 in one or more bands, and the source falls within the extrapolated isophotal footprint of a 2MASS XSC source.
  • 4 - The source position falls within 5" of a 2MASS XSC source.
  • 5 - The profile-fit photometry goodness-of-fit,w?rchi2, is >3.0 in one or more bands, and the source position falls within 5" of a 2MASS XSC source.
ext_flg wise_allskysc WISE Extended source flag.
This flag indicates whether or not the morphology of a source is consistent with the WISE point spread function in any band or whether the source is associated with or superimposed on a previously known extended object from the 2MASS Extended Source Catalog (XSC): 0 - The source shape is consistent with a point-source; 1 - The source shape is not consistent with a point-source; 2 - The source falls within the extrapolated isophotal footprint of a 2MASS XSC source; 3 - The profile-fit photometry goodness-of-fit, w?rchi2, is >3.0 in one or more bands, and The source falls within the extrapolated isophotal footprint of a 2MASS XSC source; 4 - The source position falls within 5" of a 2MASS XSC source; 5 - The profile-fit photometry goodness-of-fit, w?rchi2, is >3.0 in one or more bands, and the source position falls within 5" of a 2MASS XSC source. CAUTION: WISE profile-fit (w?mpro) and standard aperture (w?mag) measurements are optimized for point sources and will systematically underestimate the true flux of resolved objects.
tinyint 1      
ext_flg wise_prelimsc WISE Extended source flag
This flag indicates whether or not the morphology of a source is consistent with the WISE point spread function in any band: 0 - The source shape is consistent with a point-source; 1 - The source shape is not consistent with a point-source
tinyint 1      
ext_flg_ALLWISE ravedr5Source RAVE probability source morphology is not consistent with single PSF int 4     meta.code
ext_key twomass_psc TWOMASS Unique identification number of the record in the XSC that corresponds to this point source. int 4     meta.id
ext_key twomass_xsc TWOMASS entry counter (key) number (unique within table). int 4     meta.id
extinctionCat MultiframeDetector ATLASDR1 Extinction coefficient for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionCat MultiframeDetector ATLASDR2 Extinction coefficient for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionCat MultiframeDetector ATLASDR3 Extinction coefficient for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionCat MultiframeDetector ATLASDR4 Extinction coefficient for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionCat MultiframeDetector ATLASDR5 Extinction coefficient for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionCat MultiframeDetector ATLASv20131127 Extinction coefficient for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionCat MultiframeDetector ATLASv20160425 Extinction coefficient for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionCat MultiframeDetector ATLASv20180209 Extinction coefficient for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionCat MultiframeDetector VPHASDR3 Extinction coefficient for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionCat MultiframeDetector VPHASv20160112 Extinction coefficient for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionCat MultiframeDetector VPHASv20170222 Extinction coefficient for the catalogue data {catalogue extension keyword:  EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionExt MultiframeDetector ATLASDR1 Extinction coefficient of the detector {image extension keyword: EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionExt MultiframeDetector ATLASDR2 Extinction coefficient of the detector {image extension keyword: EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionExt MultiframeDetector ATLASDR3 Extinction coefficient of the detector {image extension keyword: EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionExt MultiframeDetector ATLASDR4 Extinction coefficient of the detector {image extension keyword: EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionExt MultiframeDetector ATLASDR5 Extinction coefficient of the detector {image extension keyword: EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionExt MultiframeDetector ATLASv20131127 Extinction coefficient of the detector {image extension keyword: EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionExt MultiframeDetector ATLASv20160425 Extinction coefficient of the detector {image extension keyword: EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionExt MultiframeDetector ATLASv20180209 Extinction coefficient of the detector {image extension keyword: EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionExt MultiframeDetector VPHASDR3 Extinction coefficient of the detector {image extension keyword: EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionExt MultiframeDetector VPHASv20160112 Extinction coefficient of the detector {image extension keyword: EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionExt MultiframeDetector VPHASv20170222 Extinction coefficient of the detector {image extension keyword: EXTINCT} real 4 mags -0.9999995e9 ??
These are currently set to a constant clear night level, which within the current measuring error is the same for all passbands. Note that the frame-by-frame derived ZP from 2MASS automatically corrects for extinction variations, assuming they are uniform across the field of view.
extinctionMapList Programme ATLASDR3 A list of 3D extinction maps that should be matched to this survey varchar 32   NONE meta.id
extinctionMapList Programme ATLASDR4 A list of 3D extinction maps that should be matched to this survey varchar 32   NONE meta.id
extinctionMapList Programme ATLASDR5 A list of 3D extinction maps that should be matched to this survey varchar 32   NONE meta.id
extinctionMapList Programme ATLASv20160425 A list of 3D extinction maps that should be matched to this survey varchar 32   NONE meta.id
extinctionMapList Programme ATLASv20180209 A list of 3D extinction maps that should be matched to this survey varchar 32   NONE meta.id
extinctionMapList Programme VPHASDR3 A list of 3D extinction maps that should be matched to this survey varchar 32   NONE meta.id
extinctionMapList Programme VPHASv20160112 A list of 3D extinction maps that should be matched to this survey varchar 32   NONE meta.id
extinctionMapList Programme VPHASv20170222 A list of 3D extinction maps that should be matched to this survey varchar 32   NONE meta.id
extl rosat_bsc, rosat_fsc ROSAT likelihood of source extent smallint 2     stat.likelihood
extMapID vphasSourceExtinction VPHASDR3 UID of 3D extinction map used tinyint 1   0  
extMapID vphasSourceExtinction VPHASv20160112 UID of 3D extinction map used tinyint 1   0  
extMapID vphasSourceExtinction VPHASv20170222 UID of 3D extinction map used tinyint 1   0  
extName MultiframeDetector ATLASDR1 Extension name {image extension keyword: EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE  
extName MultiframeDetector ATLASDR2 Extension name {image extension keyword: EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE  
extName MultiframeDetector ATLASDR3 Extension name {image extension keyword: EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE  
extName MultiframeDetector ATLASDR4 Extension name {image extension keyword: EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE  
extName MultiframeDetector ATLASDR5 Extension name {image extension keyword: EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE  
extName MultiframeDetector ATLASv20131127 Extension name {image extension keyword: EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE  
extName MultiframeDetector ATLASv20160425 Extension name {image extension keyword: EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE  
extName MultiframeDetector ATLASv20180209 Extension name {image extension keyword: EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE  
extName MultiframeDetector VPHASDR3 Extension name {image extension keyword: EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE  
extName MultiframeDetector VPHASv20160112 Extension name {image extension keyword: EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE  
extName MultiframeDetector VPHASv20170222 Extension name {image extension keyword: EXTNAME} varchar 16   NONE  
extNum CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR2 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1   0 meta.number
extNum CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR3 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1   0 meta.number
extNum CurrentAstrometry ATLASDR5 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1   0 meta.number
extNum CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20131127 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1   0 meta.number
extNum CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20160425 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1   0 meta.number
extNum CurrentAstrometry ATLASv20180209 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1   0 meta.number
extNum CurrentAstrometry VPHASDR3 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1   0 meta.number
extNum CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20160112 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1   0 meta.number
extNum CurrentAstrometry VPHASv20170222 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1   0 meta.number
extNum CurrentAstrometry, EpochFrameStatus ATLASDR4 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1   0 meta.number
extNum CurrentAstrometry, MultiframeDetector, MultiframeDetectorEsoKeys ATLASDR1 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1   0 meta.number
extNum PreviousMFDZP ATLASDR3 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1     meta.number
extNum PreviousMFDZP ATLASDR5 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1     meta.number
extNum PreviousMFDZP ATLASv20131127 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1     meta.number
extNum PreviousMFDZP ATLASv20160425 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1     meta.number
extNum PreviousMFDZP ATLASv20180209 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1     meta.number
extNum PreviousMFDZP VPHASv20160112 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1     meta.number
extNum PreviousMFDZP VPHASv20170222 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1     meta.number
extNum atlasAstrometricInfo, PreviousMFDZP ATLASDR4 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1     meta.number
extNum atlasDetection, PreviousMFDZP ATLASDR1 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1     meta.number
extNum atlasDetectionUncorr, PreviousMFDZP ATLASDR2 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1     meta.number
extNum PreviousMFDZP, vphasAstrometricInfo, vphasDetection, vphasDetectionUncorr VPHASDR3 the extension number of this frame tinyint 1     meta.number
extPixelID vphasSourceExtinction VPHASDR3 Pixel ID from 3D extinction map that matches source position int 4   -99999999  
extPixelID vphasSourceExtinction VPHASv20160112 Pixel ID from 3D extinction map that matches source position int 4   -99999999  
extPixelID vphasSourceExtinction VPHASv20170222 Pixel ID from 3D extinction map that matches source position int 4   -99999999  
extProgID RequiredNeighbours ATLASDR1 the unique programme ID for second table if there are multiple programmes in the neighbour survey int 4   -99999999 meta.id
extProgID RequiredNeighbours ATLASDR2 the unique programme ID for second table if there are multiple programmes in the neighbour survey int 4   -99999999 meta.id
extProgID RequiredNeighbours ATLASDR3 the unique programme ID for second table if there are multiple programmes in the neighbour survey int 4   -99999999 meta.id
extProgID RequiredNeighbours ATLASDR4 the unique programme ID for second table if there are multiple programmes in the neighbour survey int 4   -99999999 meta.id
extProgID RequiredNeighbours ATLASDR5 the unique programme ID for second table if there are multiple programmes in the neighbour survey int 4   -99999999 meta.id
extProgID RequiredNeighbours ATLASv20131127 the unique programme ID for second table if there are multiple programmes in the neighbour survey int 4   -99999999 meta.id
extProgID RequiredNeighbours ATLASv20160425 the unique programme ID for second table if there are multiple programmes in the neighbour survey int 4   -99999999 meta.id
extProgID RequiredNeighbours ATLASv20180209 the unique programme ID for second table if there are multiple programmes in the neighbour survey int 4   -99999999 meta.id
extProgID RequiredNeighbours VPHASDR3 the unique programme ID for second table if there are multiple programmes in the neighbour survey int 4   -99999999 meta.id
extProgID RequiredNeighbours VPHASv20160112 the unique programme ID for second table if there are multiple programmes in the neighbour survey int 4   -99999999 meta.id
extProgID RequiredNeighbours VPHASv20170222 the unique programme ID for second table if there are multiple programmes in the neighbour survey int 4   -99999999 meta.id
extr rosat_bsc, rosat_fsc ROSAT extraction radius smallint 2 arcsec   stat.fit.param
extractTool Programme ATLASDR1 Name of extraction tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
extractTool Programme ATLASDR2 Name of extraction tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
extractTool Programme ATLASDR3 Name of extraction tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
extractTool Programme ATLASDR4 Name of extraction tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
extractTool Programme ATLASDR5 Name of extraction tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
extractTool Programme ATLASv20131127 Name of extraction tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
extractTool Programme ATLASv20160425 Name of extraction tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
extractTool Programme ATLASv20180209 Name of extraction tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
extractTool Programme VPHASDR3 Name of extraction tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
extractTool Programme VPHASv20160112 Name of extraction tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
extractTool Programme VPHASv20170222 Name of extraction tool to be used varchar 8   NONE ??
extTableID ExternalSurveyTable ATLASDR2 the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
extTableID ExternalSurveyTable ATLASDR3 the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
extTableID ExternalSurveyTable ATLASDR4 the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
extTableID ExternalSurveyTable ATLASDR5 the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
extTableID ExternalSurveyTable ATLASv20131127 the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
extTableID ExternalSurveyTable ATLASv20160425 the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
extTableID ExternalSurveyTable ATLASv20180209 the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
extTableID ExternalSurveyTable VPHASDR3 the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
extTableID ExternalSurveyTable VPHASv20160112 the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
extTableID ExternalSurveyTable VPHASv20170222 the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
extTableID ExternalSurveyTable, RequiredNeighbours ATLASDR1 the unique table ID int 4     meta.id;meta.main
extTableName ExternalSurveyTable ATLASDR1 the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
extTableName ExternalSurveyTable ATLASDR2 the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
extTableName ExternalSurveyTable ATLASDR3 the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
extTableName ExternalSurveyTable ATLASDR4 the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
extTableName ExternalSurveyTable ATLASDR5 the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
extTableName ExternalSurveyTable ATLASv20131127 the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
extTableName ExternalSurveyTable ATLASv20160425 the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
extTableName ExternalSurveyTable ATLASv20180209 the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
extTableName ExternalSurveyTable VPHASDR3 the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
extTableName ExternalSurveyTable VPHASv20160112 the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset
extTableName ExternalSurveyTable VPHASv20170222 the name of the table varchar 256     meta.id;meta.dataset

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
