Contains details of all multiframes stored in the archive. |
Required constraints:
Name | Type | Length | Unit | Description | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
multiframeID | bigint | 8 | UID of the multiframe (assigned sequentially by the archive ingest process) | -99999999 | obs.field | |
vstRunNo | int | 4 | Original VST Atlas run number (from filename) | -99999999 | meta.bib | |
creationDate | datetime | 8 | MM-DD-YYYY | File creation date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) {image primary HDU keyword: DATE} | 12-31-9999 | time.epoch |
frameType | varchar | 64 | The type of multiframe (eg. stack|tile|mosaic|difference|calibration|interleaved etc). | normal | meta.code.class | |
cuEventID | int | 4 | UID of curation event giving rise to this record | -99999999 | meta.bib | |
julianDayNum | int | 4 | Julian days | the Julian Day number of the VST night | -99999999 | time.epoch |
fileTimeStamp | bigint | 8 | Time stamp digits (from the original CASU directory name and file time stamp) for enforcing uniqueness | -99999999 | ?? | |
filterName | varchar | 16 | VST combined filter name {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 NAME} | 'NONE' | ?? | |
filterID | tinyint | 1 | UID of combined filter (assigned in OSA: 1=u,2=g,3=r,4=i,5=z) | 0 | meta.code;instr.filter | |
project | varchar | 64 | Time-allocation code | NONE | meta.bib | |
telescope | varchar | 16 | ESO telescope name {image primary HDU keyword: TELESCOP} | NONE | ||
instrument | varchar | 8 | Instrument name {image primary HDU keyword: INSTRUME} | NONE | ||
arcfile | varchar | 64 | Archive File Name {image primary HDU keyword: ARCFILE} | NONE | ||
bitsPerPix | tinyint | 1 | number of bits per data pixel {image primary HDU keyword: BITPIX} | 0 | ||
utDate | datetime | 8 | MM-DD-YYYY | UT date when this file was written (MM-DD-YYYY) | 12-31-9999 | time.epoch |
dateObs | datetime | 8 | Observing date {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS} | 12-31-9999 | time.epoch | |
mjdObs | float | 8 | Modified Julian Date of the observation start {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-OBS} | -0.9999995e9 | time.epoch | |
equinox | real | 4 | years | Standard FK5 {image primary HDU keyword: EQUINOX} | -9.999995e+08 | |
lst | real | 4 | seconds | LST at start {image primary HDU keyword: LST} | -9.999995e+08 | |
utc | real | 4 | seconds | UTC at start {image primary HDU keyword: UTC} | -9.999995e+08 | |
raBase | real | 4 | hours | Right ascension of base position (J2000) {image primary HDU keyword: RA} | -9.999995e+08 | |
decBase | real | 4 | degrees | Declination of base position (J2000) {image primary HDU keyword: DEC} | -9.999995e+08 | |
raDecSys | varchar | 4 | Coordinate reference frame {image primary HDU keyword: RADECSYS} | NONE | ||
expTime | real | 4 | seconds | Total integration time {image primary HDU keyword: EXPTIME} | -9.999995e+08 | |
naxis | tinyint | 1 | number of data axes {image primary HDU keyword: NAXIS} | 0 | ||
object | varchar | 32 | Original target. {image primary HDU keyword: OBJECT} | NONE | ||
observer | varchar | 64 | Name of observer. {image primary HDU keyword: OBSERVER} | NONE | ||
numDetectors | tinyint | 1 | The number of "detectors" (=image extensions in FITS file) | 0 | ?? | |
obstype | varchar | 32 | Type (BIAS|DARK|ARC|FLAT|OBJECT|SKY) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO DPR TYPE} | NONE | ||
origfile | varchar | 32 | Original File Name {image primary HDU keyword: ORIGFILE} | NONE | ||
origin | varchar | 16 | European Southern Observatory {image primary HDU keyword: ORIGIN} | NONE | ||
picoi | varchar | 64 | PI-COI name {image primary HDU keyword: PI-COI} | NONE | ||
previewv | varchar | 64 | Version of previe {image primary HDU keyword: PREVIEWV} | NONE | ||
wfrtype | varchar | 4 | WFR type {image primary HDU keyword: WFRTYPE} | NONE | ||
masktype | tinyint | 1 | Mask type {image primary HDU keyword: MASKTYPE} | 0 | ||
skyAlgorithm | varchar | 64 | Sky estimation algorithm {image primary HDU keyword: SKYALGO} | NONE | ||
amStart | real | 4 | Airmass at start of observation {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START} | -0.9999995e9 | obs.airMass | |
amEnd | real | 4 | Airmass at end of observation {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM END} | -0.9999995e9 | obs.airMass | |
esoRaMoon | float | 8 | Right ascension of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.ra;meta.main | |
esoDecMoon | float | 8 | Declination of the Moon (J2000) (deg) {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC} | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.dec;meta.main | |
raMoon | float | 8 | hours | Geocentric J2000 FK5 Mean Right ascension of the Moon | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
decMoon | float | 8 | degrees | Geocentric J2000 FK5 Mean Declination of the Moon | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
illumMoon | float | 8 | Illumination of the Moon | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
raMoonTopo | float | 8 | hours | Apparent topocentric Right ascension of the Moon (including precession, nutation, and annual aberration) | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
decMoonTopo | float | 8 | degrees | Apparent topocentric Declination of the Moon (including precession, nutation, and annual aberration) | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
fileName | varchar | 256 | the filename for the multiframe, eg. server:/path/ | 'NONE' |;meta.file | |
catName | varchar | 256 | the filename of the associated catalogue MEF, eg. server:/path/filename.fits | 'NONE' |;meta.dataset | |
uncorrCatName | varchar | 256 | the filename of the associated catalogue MEF containing data without illumination correction, eg. server:/path/filename.fits | 'NONE' |;meta.dataset | |
versionNum | real | 4 | a version number for this frame (if available) | -0.9999995e9 | | |
darkID | bigint | 8 | UID of library calibration dark frame {image extension keyword: DARKCOR} | -99999999 | obs.field | |
confID | bigint | 8 | UID of library calibration confidence frame {image extension keyword: CIR_CPM} | -99999999 | obs.field | |
flatID | bigint | 8 | UID of library calibration flatfield frame {image extension keyword: FLATSRC} | -99999999 | obs.field | |
fringeID | bigint | 8 | UID of library calibration fringe frame {image extension keyword: DEFRINGE} | -99999999 | obs.field | |
biasID | bigint | 8 | UID of library bias frame {image extension keyword: BIASSRC} | -99999999 | obs.field | |
fringeScale | real | 4 | Fringe frame scale factor {image extension keyword: DEFRINGE} | -0.9999995e9 | ?? | |
deprecated | smallint | 2 | Code for a current (=0) or deprecated (!=0) multiframe | 0 | meta.code | |
newlyIngested | tinyint | 1 | Curation flag for internal use only (0=no, 1=yes) | 1 | ?? | |
illumFile | varchar | 256 | File name of CASU created photometric illumination correction used on catalogue data from this file | NONE | ||
unfilteredID | bigint | 8 | UID of original unfiltered frame corresponding to this filtered frame | -99999999 | obs.field | |
casuVers | varchar | 64 | CASU Release Version Number {image primary HDU keyword: CASUVERS} | NONE | | |
obStatus | varchar | 32 | OB status, can be 'Completed', 'Executed' (which means it has to be repeated) or 'Aborted'. {image primary HDU keyword: OBSTATUS} | NONE | ?? | |
esoGrade | varchar | 4 | ESO QC grade: 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constrains and 'R' rejected. {image primary HDU keyword: ESOGRADE} | NONE | ?? | |
mjdEnd | float | 8 | Modified Julian Date of the observation end {image primary HDU keyword: MJD-END} | -0.9999995e9 | time.epoch | |
totalExpTimeSum | real | 4 | seconds | Total integration time of all exposures {image primary HDU keyword: TEXPSUM} | -0.9999995e9 | |
softAuth | varchar | 32 | Contact for bug reports {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTAUTH} | NONE | ||
softDate | varchar | 32 | CIRDR release date {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTDATE} | NONE | ||
softInst | varchar | 32 | CASU URL {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTINST} | NONE | ||
softVers | varchar | 32 | CIRDR Version {image primary HDU keyword: SOFTVERS} | NONE | ||
reqMaxAirmass | real | 4 | Requested maximum airmass {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS AIRM} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
reqMaxSeeing | real | 4 | Requested maximum seeing {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS AMBI FWHM} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
reqSkyTrans | varchar | 64 | Requested sky transparency {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS AMBI TRANS} | NONE | ||
containerID | bigint | 8 | Scheduling container ID {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS CONTAINER ID} | -99999999 | ||
containerType | varchar | 64 | Scheduling container type {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS CONTAINER TYPE} | NONE | ||
minMoonDist | real | 4 | deg | Requested minimum angular distance to the moon {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST} | -0.9999995e9 | |
maxMoonFli | real | 4 | Requested maximum fractional lunar illumination {image primary HDU keyword: HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI} | -0.9999995e9 | ||
Total length | 2236 |