TABLE  ravedr5Source

Contains the parameters provided in the RAVEPUB_DR5.RAVE_DR5 catalogue.

This table contains the DR5 data: HRV, Stellar Parameters, Infrared
calibrated temperatures, crossmatch with TAGS and other catalogs.
Please cite this data set using the unique digital object identifier

Required constraints:
  • Primary key is (RAVE_OBS_ID)

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
RAVE_OBS_IDvarchar22 Unique Identifier for RAVE objects, Observation Date, Fieldname, Fibernumber
HEALPixbigint8 Hierarchical Equal-Area iso-Latitude Pixelisation value (N_side = 4096) meta.code
RAVEIDvarchar20 (J2000 GCS), see Note in DR4
RAdegfloat8degRight Ascension (J2000) pos.eq.ra
DEdegfloat8degDeclination (J2000) pos.eq.dec
Glonfloat8degLongitude (J2000 GCS) pos.galactic.lon
Glatfloat8degLatitude (J2000 GCS)
HRVreal4km/sHeliocentric radial velocity spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric
eHRVreal4km/sError of Heliocentric radial velocity stat.error stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric
StdDev_HRVfloat8km/sStandard deviation in HRV from 10 resampled spectra stat.stddev;spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric
MAD_HRVfloat8km/sMedian absolute deviation in HRV from 10 resampled spectra stat.error;stat.median
STN_SPARVfloat8 (R+) Signal/Noise Ratio of SPARV Pipeline V 5.x stat.snr
SNR_Kfloat8 (R+) Signal/Noise Ratio of Kordopatis Pipeline stat.snr
Teff_Kfloat8KEffective temperature phys.temperature.effective
Teff_N_Kfloat8KCalibrated effective temperature phys.temperature.effective
eTeff_Kfloat8KEffective Temperature error stat.error;phys.temperature.effective
MAD_Teff_Kfloat8KMedian absolute deviation in Teff_K from 10 resampled spectra stat.error;stat.median;phys.temperature.effective
StdDev_Teff_Kfloat8KStandard deviation in Teff_K from 10 resampled spectra stat.stddev;phys.temperature.effective
logg_Kfloat8dexLog gravity (Note 2, DR5) phys.gravity
logg_N_Kfloat8dexLog gravity (Note 2, DR5) phys.gravity
elogg_Kfloat8dexLog gravity (Note 2, DR5) phys.gravity
MAD_logg_Kfloat8dexMedian absolute deviation of surface gravity from 10 resampled spectra stat.error;stat.median;phys.gravity
StdDev_logg_Kfloat8dexStandard deviation of surface gravity from 10 resampled spectra stat.stddev;phys.gravity
Met_Kfloat8dex[m/H] phys.abund.Z
Met_N_Kfloat8dexCalibrated metallicity [m/H] phys.abund.Z
eMet_Kfloat8dexError of [m/H] phys.abund.Z
MAD_Met_Kfloat8dexMedian absolute deviation in Met_K from 10 resampled spectra stat.error;stat.median;phys.abund.Z
StdDev_Met_Kfloat8dexStandard deviation in Met_K from 10 resampled spectra stat.stddev;phys.abund.Z
CHISQ_Kfloat8 chi square [Kordopatis Stella Parameter pipeline]
Algo_Conv_Kint4 Quality Flag for Stellar Parameter pipeline,[0..4] meta.code.qual
Teff_IRreal4KEffective temperature from infrared flux method phys.temperature.effective
eTeff_IRreal4KError of effective temperature from infrared flux method stat.error;phys.temperature.effective
IR_directvarchar6 Infrared flux method flag (Note 5, DR5) meta.code
Mgreal4dex[Mg/H] abundance of Mg phys.abund.Z
Mg_Nsmallint2 Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Mg/H] meta.number
Alreal4dex[Al/H] abundance of Al phys.abund.Z
Al_Nsmallint2 Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Al/H] meta.number
Sireal4dex[Si/H] abundance of Si phys.abund.Z
Si_Nsmallint2 Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Si/H] meta.number
Tireal4dex[Ti/H] abundance of Ti phys.abund.Z
Ti_Nsmallint2 Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Ti/H] meta.number
Fereal4dex[Fe/H] abundance of Fe phys.abund.Z
Fe_Nsmallint2 Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Fe/H] meta.number
Nireal4dex[Ni/H] abundance of Ni phys.abund.Z
Ni_Nsmallint2 Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Ni/H] meta.number
Alpha_creal4dex[Alpha/Fe] [Chemical pipeline] (Note 2) phys.abund
CHISQ_creal4 chi square [Chemical pipeline] (Note 2)
frac_creal4 Fraction of spectrum used [Chemical pipeline] (Note 2) stat.value
AV_Schlegelfloat8mag Total Extinction in V-band from Schlegel et al. (1998)  phys.absorption
distancereal4pcspectrophotometric Distance (Binney et al. 2014) pos.distance
edistancereal4pcError of spectrophotometric Distance (Binney et al. 2014) pos.distance
log_Avreal4 log_10(Av) optical extinction, see p4 ff, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1-8 (2012) phys.absorption
elog_Avreal4 Error of log_10(Av) optical extinction, see p4 ff, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1-8 (2012) stat.error;phys.absorption
parallaxreal4masspectrophotometric Parallax (Binney et al. 2014) pos.parallax
eparallaxreal4masError of spectrophotometric Parallax (Binney et al. 2014) stat.error;pos.parallax
DistanceModulus_Binneyreal4magDistance Modulus from Binney et al. 2014 phot.mag.distMod
eDistanceModulus_Binneyreal4magError of distance Modulus from Binney et al. 2014 phot.mag.distMod
Fit_Flag_Binneyint4 See final paragraph 3 (Binney et al. 2014) meta.code.qual
FitQuality_Binneyreal4 Given by symbol F in eq 15 of Binney et al. (2014) meta.code.qual
N_Gauss_fitint4 Number of components required for multi-aussian distance modulus fit meta.number
Gauss_mean_1real4 Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5
Gauss_sigma_1real4 Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5
Gauss_frac_1real4 Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5
Gauss_mean_2real4 Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5
Gauss_sigma_2real4 Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5
Gauss_frac_2real4 Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5
Gauss_mean_3real4 Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5
Gauss_sigma_3real4 Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5
Gauss_frac_3real4 Property of multi-Gaussian distance modulus fit, see Section 9, eq. 5
c1varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c2varchar6 2.nd minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c3varchar6 3.rd minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c4varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c5varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c6varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c7varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c8varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c9varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c10varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c11varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c12varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c13varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c14varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c15varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c16varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c17varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c18varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] ) meta.code
c19varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
c20varchar6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (enumeration [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w]) meta.code
Rep_Flagtinyint1 0 => single observation, 1 => more than one observation meta.code.qual
CluStar_Flagtinyint1 0 => not a targeted cluster observation, 1 => targeted cluster observation meta.code.qual
FootPrint_Flagtinyint1 1 => in RAVE selection function footprint, 0 => outside footprint meta.code.qual
ID_TGAS_sourcebigint8 TGAS source identifier
MatchFlag_TGASvarchar5 Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) meta.code
RA_TGASfloat8degTGAS Right Ascension (epocflag= 2015) pos.eq.ra
DE_TGASfloat8degTGAS Declination (epocflag= 2015) pos.eq.dec
pmRA_TGASfloat8mas/yrProper motion (Right Ascension);pos.eq.ra
pmRA_error_TGASfloat8mas/yrError of proper motion (RA) stat.errror;;pos.eq.ra
pmDE_TGASfloat8mas/yrProper motion (Declination);pos.eq.dec
pmDE_error_TGASfloat8mas/yrError of proper motion (DE) stat.error;;pos.eq.dec
parallax_TGASfloat8masParallax pos.parallax
parallax_error_TGASfloat8masError of parallax stat.error;pos.parallax
phot_g_mean_mag_TGASfloat8magG-band mean magnitude from TGAS phot.mag;em.opt.g
phot_g_mean_flux_TGASfloat8e-/sError on G-band mean flux from TGAS phot.flux;stat.mean;em.opt
phot_g_mean_flux_error_TGASfloat8e-/sError on G-band mean flux from TGAS stat.error;phot.flux;stat.mean;em.opt
ID_Hipparcosvarchar6 Hipparcos identifier
ID_TYCHO2varchar12 TYCHO2 identifier
Dist_TYCHO2real4arcsecCenter Distance Target-Catalog [orig. period, approx. formula] (see Note) pos.angDistance
MatchFlag_TYCHO2varchar5 Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) meta.code
BTmag_TYCHO2real4magBT magnitude from TYCHO2 phot.mag;em.opt.B
eBTmag_TYCHO2real4magError of BT magnitude from TYCHO2 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B
VTmag_TYCHO2real4mag VTmagnitude from TYCHO2 phot.mag;em.opt.V
eVTmag_TYCHO2real4magError of VT magnitude from TYCHO2 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V
pmRA_TYCHO2real4mas/yrProper Motion (Right Ascension);pos.eq.ra
epmRA_TYCHO2real4mas/yrProper Motion error (Right Ascension) stat.error;;pos.eq.ra
pmDE_TYCHO2real4mas/yrProper motion (Declination);pos.eq.dec
epmDE_TYCHO2real4mas/yrProper Motion error (Declination) stat.error;;pos.eq.dec
ID_UCAC4varchar11 UCAC4 identifier
Dist_UCAC4real4arcsecCenter Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note) pos.angDistance
MatchFlag_UCAC4varchar3 Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) meta.code
pmRA_UCAC4real4mas/yrProper Motion (Right Ascension);pos.eq.ra
epmRA_UCAC4real4mas/yrProper Motion error (Right Ascension) stat.error;
pmDE_UCAC4real4mas/yrProper Motion (Declination)
epmDE_UCAC4real4mas/yrProper Motion error (Declination) stat.error;;pos.eq.dec
ID_PPMXLbigint8 PPMXL identifier
Dist_PPMXLreal4arcsecCenter Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note) pos.angDistance
MatchFlag_PPMXLvarchar3 Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) meta.code
pmRA_PPMXLreal4mas/yrProper Motion (Right Ascension);pos.eq.ra
epmRA_PPMXLreal4mas/yrProper Motion error (Right Ascension) stat.error;;pos.eq.ra
pmDE_PPMXLreal4mas/yrProper Motion (Declination)
epmDE_PPMXLreal4mas/yrProper Motion error (Declination) stat.error;;pos.eq.dec
ID_2MASSvarchar20 2MASS identifier
Dist_2MASSreal4arcsecCenter Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note) pos.angDistance
MatchFlag_2MASSvarchar3 Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) meta.code
Jmag_2MASSreal4magJ selected default magnitude from 2MASSmagnitudephot.mag;em.IR.J
eJmag_2MASSreal4magerror 2MASS J magnitude stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J
Hmag_2MASSreal4magH selected default magnitude from 2MASSmagnitudephot.mag;em.IR.H
eHmag_2MASSreal4magerror 2MASS H magnitude stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H
Kmag_2MASSreal4magK selected default magnitude from 2MASSmagnitudephot.mag;em.IR.K
eKmag_2MASSreal4magerror 2MASS K magnitude stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K
ID_ALLWISEvarchar20 ALLWISE identifier
Dist_ALLWISEreal4arcsecCenter Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] pos.angDistance
MatchFlag_ALLWISEvarchar3 Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) meta.code
W1mag_ALLWISEreal4magW1 magnitude from ALLWISE phot.mag;em.opt
eW1mag_ALLWISEreal4magError W1 magnitude from ALLWISE stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
W2mag_ALLWISEreal4magW2 magnitude from ALLWISE phot.mag;em.opt
eW2mag_ALLWISEreal4magError W2 magnitude from ALLWISE stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
W3mag_ALLWISEreal4magW3 magnitude from ALLWISE phot.mag;em.opt
eW3mag_ALLWISEreal4magError W3 magnitude from ALLWISE stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
W4mag_ALLWISEreal4magW4 magnitude from ALLWISE phot.mag;em.opt
eW4mag_ALLWISEreal4magError W4 magnitude from ALLWISE stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
cc_flags_ALLWISEvarchar5 prioritized artifacts affecting the source in each band meta.code
ext_flg_ALLWISEint4 probability source morphology is not consistent with single PSF meta.code
var_flg_ALLWISEvarchar5 probability that flux varied in any band greater than amount expected from unc.s meta.code
ph_qual_ALLWISEvarchar5 photometric quality of each band (A=highest, U=upper limit) meta.code_mag
Dist_APASSDR9real4arcsecCenter Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] pos.angDistance
MatchFlag_APASSDR9varchar5 Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) meta.code
Bmag_APASSDR9real4magB magnitude from APASSDR9 phot.mag;em.opt.B
eBmag_APASSDR9real4magerror B magnitude from APASSDR9 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B
Vmag_APASSDR9real4magV magnitude from APASSDR9 phot.mag;em.opt.V
eVmag_APASSDR9real4magerror V magnitude from APASSDR9 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V
gpmag_APASSDR9real4magg' magnitude from APASSDR9 phot.mag;em.opt
egpmag_APASSDR9real4magg' magnitude from APASSDR9 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
rpmag_APASSDR9real4magr' magnitude from APASSDR9 phot.mag;em.opt
erpmag_APASSDR9real4magr' magnitude from APASSDR9 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
ipmag_APASSDR9real4magi' magnitude from APASSDR9 phot.mag;em.opt
eipmag_APASSDR9real4magi' magnitude from APASSDR9 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt
ID_DENISvarchar17 DENIS identifier
Dist_DENISreal4arcsecCenter Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note) pos.angDistance
MatchFlag_DENISvarchar5 Crossmatch quality flag (Note 7, DR5) meta.code
Imag_DENISreal4magCatalog I magnitude phot.mag;em.opt.I
eImag_DENISreal4magerror DENIS I magnitude stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I
Jmag_DENISreal4magJ selected default magnitude from DENISmagnitudephot.mag;em.IR.J
eJmag_DENISreal4magerror DENIS J magnitude stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J
Kmag_DENISreal4magK selected default magnitudemagnitudephot.mag;em.IR.K
eKmag_DENISreal4magerror DENIS K magnitude stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K
ID_USNOB1varchar14 USNOB-1 identifier
Dist_USNOB1real4arcsecCenter Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note) pos.angDistance
MatchFlag_USNOB1varchar3 Crossmatch quality flag meta.code
B1mag_USNOB1real4magB1 mag from USNO-B phot.mag;em.opt.B
R1mag_USNOB1real4magR1 mag from USNO-B phot.mag;em.opt.R
B2mag_USNOB1real4magB2 mag from USNO-B phot.mag;em.opt.B
R2mag_USNOB1real4magR2 mag from USNO-B phot.mag;em.opt.R
Imag_USNOB1real4magI magnitude USNOB1 phot.mag;em.opt.I
pmRA_USNOB1real4mas/yrProper Motion (Right Ascension);pos.eq.ra
epmRA_USNOB1real4mas/yrProper Motion error (Right Ascension) stat.error;;pos.eq.ra
pmDE_USNOB1real4mas/yrProper Motion (Declination)
epmDE_USNOB1real4mas/yrProper Motion error (Declination) stat.error;;pos.eq.dec
Obsdateint4YYYYMMDDObservation Date (YYYYMMDD) time.obs
FieldNamevarchar8 Center of Observed Field (RA/Dec);meta.file
FiberNumbertinyint1 Instrument fiber number (2df) [1..150];instr.part
PlateNumbertinyint1 Number of fieldplate on instrument [1..3];instr.plate
MJD_OBSfloat8dayModfied Julian Date time
LST_starttime5timestampLocal Sideral Time at start of exposure time.start
LST_endtime5timestampLocal Sideral Time at end of exposure time.end
UTC_starttime5timestampCoordinated Universal Time at start of exposure (insecure) time.start
UTC_endtime5timestampCoordinated Universal Time at end of exposure (insecure) time.end
cxfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.eq.x
cyfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.eq.y
czfloat8 unit vector of spherical co-ordinates pos.eq.z
htmIDbigint8 Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinates pos.general
SourceIDint4 Unique Identifier for RAVE objects, auto-incrementing integer
Total length1115